A.   Every person to whom a license is granted under the provisions of this chapter shall at all times conduct a quiet and orderly place of business which shall be open at all times to the inspection of any police officer or officer of the United States Treasury Department, who shall have the right at any and all times to make an examination of any licensed premises to ascertain if the licensee of such premises is conforming to the provisions of this chapter and/or the laws of the United States applicable thereto, and to check the alcoholic content of any such beer or wine, being kept for the purpose of sale and distribution on said premises.
   B.   All permits or licenses shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises and shall be kept so posted during the full period of time for which issued, and said licenses or permits shall not be sold, transferred or assigned without the written consent of a majority vote of the Council at a regular session thereof.
   C.   In case of a receivership, assignment, bankruptcy or incompetency of the licensee, the licensee's business may be carried on under the permit by the duly appointed, qualified and acting receiver, assignee, trustee in bankruptcy, guardian, executor or administrator of the licensee; provided, that such receiver, assignee, trustee, guardian, executor or administrator shall file with the City Clerk a duly certified copy of his appointment and secure the written consent of the Council. (Ord. 1324, 2010)