A.   A solid fence blocking the view of the yard from outside the yard meeting the terms of this title and kept in good repair shall be constructed parallel to and ten feet (10') behind the right-of-way line of any public street or highway for any auto wrecking yard and salvage yard. Said fence shall be constructed along the entire premises devoted to such auto wrecking or salvage yard, and shall be constructed within one year from the effective date of this title.
   B.   Materials used and details of construction must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The decision of the Planning Commission shall be guided by the need to preserve and protect the scenic and aesthetic values of the surrounding area, and to protect property value.
   C.   Shall not store automobiles or junk in a manner exceeding the fence height.
   D.   Shall have such landscaping that is appropriate with the surrounding area.
   E.   Shall have a current, valid license from the City to operate a junkyard.
   F.   Shall be in compliance with section 17.56.100 of this title. (Ord. 1204, 2002)