A PUD shall comply with the provisions established in this title having reference to the form and presentation of preliminary and final plat. In addition, the following information shall be submitted:
   A.   Description of open space, recreational facilities, roads and other facilities proposed to be under common ownership.
   B.   A copy of any proposed covenants.
   C.   Proposed type(s) of ownership(s) upon completion of development.
   D.   A copy of the community association agreement, describing provisions to assure permanence of open space and other facilities held in common ownership.
   E.   A development plan which calls for a development time of eighteen (18) months or less for street and utility improvements, and outlines a schedule of the completion time for required public improvements; and includes a plan on the financial mechanism to construct and to continue to fund the upkeep of these improvements. The city reserves the right to require financial guarantees of these improvements per subsection 16.28.020C of this code.
   F.   Such additional information as may have been required as a result of the preplat conference or information deemed necessary by the planning commission or city engineer. (Ord. 1204, 2002)