17.44.030: COMPLIANCE:
In addition to compliance with the goals and objectives of this title and those set forth in the comprehensive plan, an applicant for PUD approval shall additionally demonstrate:
   A.   The desirability of a PUD over a traditional subdivision in the specific instance in which the concept is intended to be used; and
   B.   That the PUD shall be so located with respect to major streets and highways or other transportation facilities, as to provide direct access to the development without creating traffic burdens along minor streets in residential, commercial, or industrial districts outside said PUD; and
   C.   That, upon completion, the PUD shall be so located in relation to sanitary sewers, water lines, storm and surface drainage systems and other utility systems and installations that neither extension nor enlargement of such systems will be required in manner, form, character, location, degree, scale, or timing resulting in higher net public cost or earlier incursion of public cost than would develop in a form generally permitted in the district. (Ord. 1204, 2002)