A.   Street type, whether arterial, collector or local, shall be determined by reference to the comprehensive plan of the city and to a map of the entire area the street serves. When classification of a local street, cul-de-sac or loop street is claimed, the entire length of the street shall be shown on the subdivision plat being proposed or on a previously approved plat.
   B.   The pavement width of all streets shall conform to those widths defined in the comprehensive plan or standard city specifications.
   C.   The paving design of the intersection of any new street with an existing state or federal highway shall be in accordance with the standard specifications of the Idaho transportation department, but in no case shall be less than the applicable specification contained in this section.
   D.   Pavement, base, and leveling coarse gravel shall be constructed in accordance with standard city specifications.
   E.   In general, the centerline of street pavement shall coincide with the centerline of the right of way in which the pavement is located.
   F.   All subdivisions shall be constructed with curbs and gutters in accordance with standard city specifications.
   G.   Sidewalks four feet (4') in width shall be provided on both sides of any residential collector and other local residential streets or five feet (5') in width along arterials or in any commercial or industrial area, or matching the width of any existing sidewalk in all zones of the city as long as they are at least the minimum width. Sidewalks shall also be provided along any other street in a subdivision where deemed by the city council to be essential to public convenience or safety, in accordance with standard city specifications.
   H.   Driveway curb cuts and driveway approaches shall be made in accordance with the standard specifications of the city.
   I.   Street lighting shall be in accordance with the standard specifications of the city.
   J.   Alleys shall be constructed in accordance with the standard specifications of the city.
   K.   All utilities shall be placed underground before any base street material is laid. Utilities, other than water and sewer, shall be placed behind any sidewalk and within the right of way or front utility easement. A joint trench will be used for electric, gas, phone and cable utilities. (Ord. 1219 § 1, 2002: prior code § 11-15-7(C))