16.24.070: CONTENTS:
The final plat shall clearly show the following:
   A.   Primary control points, approved by the city engineer, or a description and ties to such control points, to which all dimensions, angles, bearings and similar data on the plat shall be referenced. Such primary control points must include either a section corner, quarter section corner, or meander corner according to government survey;
   B.   Location and description of monuments;
   C.   Tract boundary lines, property lines, lot lines, and right of way lines of streets, easements and other rights of way with accurate dimensions, bearings or deflection angles and radii, arcs and center angles of all curves;
   D.   Names and locations of adjoining subdivisions;
   E.   Names and right of way width of each street or other right of way;
   F.   The length of all lot lines dimensioned in feet and decimals thereof, and the value of all required true bearings and angles dimensioned in degrees, minutes and seconds; or customary units applicable at the time of filing. Units must be consistent throughout the project and must physically match adjoining properties even when systems of units are different;
   G.   The location, dimensions and purpose of all easements;
   H.   The blocks numbered consecutively throughout the entire subdivision and the lots numbered consecutively throughout each block, with areas to be excluded from platting marked "reserved" or "not a part";
   I.   The outline of any property, other than streets or alleys, which is offered for dedication to public use fully dimensioned by lengths and bearings, with the area marked "public" and showing the proposed use;
   J.   A title which shall include the name of the subdivision, name of the city, county and state, and the location and description of the subdivision referenced to section, township and range;
   K.   Scale, north arrow and date;
   L.   Location, width and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within the proposed developments and other important features, such as the general outline of the following: existing buildings, watercourses, power lines, telephone lines, railroad lines, any existing easement, municipal boundaries, section lines and restrictive covenants as required or assured;
   M.   Certification by a professional engineer or surveyor preparing said plat certifying to the accuracy of the survey and plat shall appear on the front of said plat;
   N.   Certification by the owner, including dedication of all streets, rights of way and any sites for public use and grant on any existing or proposed easements;
   O.   Certification and signature of the county engineer (surveyor) verifying that the accuracy of the survey complies with the requirements of state law;
   P.   Certification and signature of the city engineer verifying that the final plat complies with state law, title 50 of the Idaho Code and with this title;
   Q.   Certification and signature of the city clerk verifying city council approval of the final plat and acceptance of streets, alleys, easements and public land dedications. (Ord. 1219 § 1, 2002: prior code § 11-15-5(C)(2))