A.   After the approval or conditional approval of the preliminary plat, the developer shall prepare a final plat which is consistent with the preliminary plat as approved.
   B.   The final plat shall be prepared in accordance with chapter 13 of title 50 of the Idaho Code and with the provisions set forth in this title. The city shall have five (5) business days to review and confirm the final plat application for compliance. Upon the determination that the final plat application is in compliance with the preliminary plat and all conditional requirements have been met, the final plat and construction plans shall be submitted to the city engineer for review.
   C.   Such final plat, when submitted, shall be accompanied by three (3) sets of prints of the plans and (complete) construction specifications for all proposed improvements as required by chapter 16.28 of this title, and one eleven by seventeen (11 x 17) copy of the final plat.
   D.   The city engineer shall review said plans and data as submitted or modified and, within fifteen (15) business days, advise the developer in writing as to the general compliance or noncompliance with these regulations as well as other city codes, requirements or policies that may apply to the plans submitted. The city engineer's fees shall be paid by the developer.
   E.   Upon city engineer approval of the final plat and construction plans, the final plat may be scheduled for city council review at the next regularly scheduled meeting. (Ord. 1508, 2022: Ord. 1373, 2013: Ord. 1219 § 1, 2002: prior code § 11-15-4(D)(1))