A.   Preliminary plats shall be drawn at a scale of not less than one inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100'), except it may be smaller by approval of the city engineer and shall show the following:
      1.   The scale, north point and date;
      2.   The name of the proposed subdivision;
      3.   The name and address of the owner of record, the developer and the engineer, surveyor or the person preparing the plat;
      4.   The names, with locations of intersecting boundary lines, of adjoining subdivisions, and the location of the city limits if falling within or immediately adjoining the tract;
      5.   The land contours with appropriate vertical intervals referenced to datum and at intervals acceptable to the engineer; provided, however, that where authorized by the engineer, contour data may be provided in the form of elevations at street intersections and in drainage channels;
      6.   The location of existing buildings, water bodies or courses, and the location of dedicated streets at the point where they adjoin and/or are immediately adjacent, provided that actual measured distance shall not be required;
      7.   The boundaries of the tract, as determined by a legal survey area of the tract, the proposed location, approximate grade, right of way width and pavement width of streets and alleys, the proposed location and width of easements and setback lines, proposed lot lines, the radius of all curves and approximate lot dimensions;
      8.   The existing zoning boundary lines defining the proposed use of all portions of the subdivision;
      9.   The proposed street names and system of numbering lots and blocks;
      10.   The location, approximate size and proposed use of all land intended to be dedicated for public use or reserved for the use of all property owners within the proposed subdivision;
      11.   The location, size and type of sanitary and storm sewers, irrigation lines and facilities, water mains, culverts and other surface and subsurface structures existing within or immediately adjacent to the proposed subdivision; and the location, layout, type and size of any proposed water mains and storage facilities, sanitary mains and laterals, storm sewers, irrigation lines and facilities, culverts and drainage structures, street improvements and any other proposed utilities;
      12.   A drainage and grading plan that shows on site drainage facilities as required by the city.
   B.   In addition to the information required by subsection A of this section, a preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision shall be submitted at a scale no smaller than one inch equals two hundred feet (1" = 200'). Said plat shall show the location of the proposed subdivision referenced to existing or proposed arterials and collector