A.   Upon receipt of a written request that the subdivision be placed on the Council agenda, the subdivision request will be placed on the next available Council agenda. The City Council, upon receipt of recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Commission, and after opportunity to review the file and minutes from the public hearing, may act upon the request based upon the compiled records or may schedule a subsequent public hearing if it deems such hearing to be necessary. Procedures for any such hearing shall follow the rules of procedure as adopted by the City Council. The developer, at his request, shall be entitled to at least one continuance of consideration until the next regular meeting of the City Council.
   B.   Should the applicant wish to contest the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the applicant may provide a written statement of their objections regarding the Planning Commission recommendations for inclusion in the City Council deliberations on the subdivision request. Such written statements must be received at least five (5) days prior to the scheduled City Council meeting.
   C.   The City Council may sustain, modify, reject or overrule any recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission, or may remand the matter back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for further study. The City Council may make such findings as are not consistent with the provisions of state law and/or of this code. City staff will notify the developer in writing of the decision of the City Council.
   D.   The time limits for acting on the preliminary plat, as specified in this section and section 16.20.060 of this chapter, may be extended by mutual consent of the developer and the City Council or Planning and Zoning Commission, as the case may be. (Ord. 1482, 2020: Ord. 1219 § 1, 2002: Ord. 905, 198O: prior code § 11-15-4(C)(7))