A.   Upon acceptance of a proposed subdivision plan for processing, the city shall transmit one copy each of the preliminary plat on eight and one half by eleven inch (8.5" x 11") paper provided by the applicant to the following agencies with a letter of transmittal requesting the agency to review and return to the city with comments and recommendations no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the scheduled public hearing. The city engineer may request recommendations from such other agencies as he may deem necessary:
      1.   School District in which the subdivision is located;
      2.   Irrigation district appropriate to area being platted;
      3.   Southwest District Health;
      4.   State highway (if said plat abuts);
      5.   Fire chief;
      6.   Other public agencies or public service providers.
   B.   If no written recommendation from any agency listed in subsection A of this section is received within fifteen (15) days after such notification, the approval of the preliminary plat by such agency will be considered to be granted. (Ord. 1482, 2020: Ord. 1219 § 1, 2002: Ord. 905, 1980: prior code § 11-15-4(C)(5))