All preliminary plats, final plats, and construction drawings shall conform to all applicable standards as adopted by or as set out in this code. During development, a developer shall employ an independent, unrelated, certified construction inspector to provide full time construction inspection. Construction inspection shall be provided during all phases of construction. At any time during construction, at the developer's expense, the city shall have the authority to disqualify and replace any inspector, if the city finds any reasonable cause to believe that the inspector is not adequately performing his duties. Upon completion of the development, the developer and the construction inspector, shall provide the city with certified, as built, construction drawings which depict the actual placement of the improvements in the development and with certification that those improvements comply with the standards as adopted by or as set out in this code. The as built drawings shall show location measurements for valves, manholes, service connections and service stub out lines. Copies of the results of all soil compaction tests, water purification tests, water line integrity tests, sewer line integrity tests, other approved integrity tests and the inspector's daily logs shall be provided to the city engineer or city clerk upon request but in no event less than weekly. No preliminary plat, final plat nor any construction drawings shall be filed, recorded nor deemed accepted until presented to and approved by the city council. (Ord. 1219 § 1, 2002: Ord. 1139 § 1, 1997: Ord. 905, 1980: Ord. 874, 1977: prior code § 11-15-10(C,D))