16.12.060: EASEMENTS:
   A.   Easements shall be provided for drainage, utilities or other public service as follows: front yard, ten feet (10'), side yard, five feet (5') and rear yard, ten feet (10'). Rear yard easements may be omitted if an alley of sufficient width to accommodate a utility easement exists in the rear of the lot.
   B.   Structures shall not be placed within an easement. Portable structures, fences and on grade slabs may be placed within an easement, subject to the condition that whenever work is done in the easement, any removal or movement of items placed therein shall be done at the expense and peril of the landholder. A utility doing work shall not be liable for any damage done to anything placed within the easement. Utilities shall have unrestricted access to enter, install, maintain and replace the improvements located in the easements. Portable structures and other features may be removed and not replaced if they interfere with the maintenance or use of the affected utility. (Ord. 1482, 2020: Ord. 1219 § 1, 2002: Ord. 1071 § 3, 1994: prior code § 11-15-6(F))