A.   Lot area, dimensions and minimum street frontage shall be as established by the city zoning ordinance.
   B.   For corner lots, a property return with a radius of not less than twenty feet (20') shall be provided; however, a larger radius may be required when, in the opinion of the city engineer, such is necessary to serve an existing or future need.
   C.   Flag or key lots shall be considered only through the variance process.
   D.   Side lot lines shall be at approximate right angles or radial to the street line unless a variation from the rule will provide a more desirable street and lot plan. Any variation shall be reviewed by the city engineer and presented to the city council for approval.
   E.   Double frontage lots are prohibited except where a showing is made that unusual topography or other conditions make it impossible to meet the standard lot requirement. A variance may be granted by the city council.
   F.   Except as otherwise provided in this code, the minimum area of a corner lot shall be not less than eight thousand (8,000) square feet and must have a minimum street frontage of seventy five feet (75').
   G.   Except as otherwise provided in this code, the minimum area of an inside lot shall be not less than six thousand (6,000) square feet with a minimum street frontage of sixty feet (60'). (Ord. 1219 § 1, 2002: Ord. 1071 §§ 7, 8, 1994: Ord. 905, 1980: prior code § 11-15-6(C))