16.12.010: GENERALLY:
In order that the subdivision of land within the jurisdiction of the city will contribute to the development of safe, convenient and attractive residential, commercial and other areas, and will advance the public welfare, the commission and council in reviewing and acting upon any subdivision plat shall ensure that full consideration and weight is given to the following:
   A.   The intent and design of the proposed plat shall be in accordance with the provisions of the comprehensive plan.
   B.   Street patterns in residential neighborhoods shall be designed to create areas which discourage through traffic while being readily accessible to adjacent arterial street.
   C.   In the subdivision of land along arterial and collector streets, the block length shall be increased so as to limit driveway or other vehicular access while being compatible with good design and a reasonable use of land.
   D.   Street intersections in residential areas may be of a "T" rather than a "+" design wherever such design will not unduly restrict a free movement of traffic.
   E.   All natural drainage courses shall be left undisturbed or be improved in a manner which will improve the hydraulics and ease of maintenance of the channel.
   F.   Buffer strips controlling access to arterial and collector streets shall be required. The buffer strip shall be a minimum of fifteen feet (15') in width, including the sidewalk, a privacy fence or berm and landscaping. The landscaping shall comply with the definition of "landscaping" in section 17.08.010 of this code. The fence shall be vinyl, chainlink with privacy slats or cedar. If cedar is installed, it shall have steel posts and an oil stain which shall be restained every five (5) years. The landscaping and fence or berm area shall be maintained by the homeowners' association. Subdivision entrances onto an arterial or collector street shall be landscaped. The landscaping shall complete the radius on both sides of the entrance extending to the terminus of the fenced or bermed area and may include an entrance island. The landscaping shall have a sign naming the subdivision and comply with section 17.08.400 of this code. The landscaping, sign and entrance area shall be maintained by the homeowners' association.
   G.   The city may require that sites for public improvements such as well locations or pump houses be dedicated within a subdivision.
   H.   The city may require the dedication of land for open space or recreational purposes that directly benefits the residents of the subdivision.
   I.   All subdivisions shall be designed so that all stormwater is contained on site in accordance with the requirements of the Idaho department of environmental quality and Idaho department of water resources. (Ord. 1219 § 1, 2002: prior code § 11-15-6(A))