A.   Members of the commission may receive mileage and per diem compensation as provided by the City Council. Members of the commission who do not attend the regular monthly meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, or if a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting is not held in any one month, will not receive compensation for that month.
   B.   The commission shall hold meetings at least once each calendar month, for not less than nine (9) months in a calendar year, and at such other times as may be necessary. A majority of voting members of the commission shall constitute a quorum.
   C.   The members of the commission shall attend regularly scheduled meetings unless excused from attendance prior to the meeting. Reasons to be excused include personal illness, family emergencies or out of town business trips. Members whose unexcused absences exceed forty percent (40%) in any given calendar year may be removed from the commission by the Mayor with the majority approval of Council.
   D.   Written bylaws consistent with Idaho Code title 67 and other laws of the State for the transaction of business of the commission shall be adopted. A record of meetings, hearings, resolutions, studies, findings, permits and actions taken shall be maintained. All meetings and records shall be open to the public. (Ord. 1460, 2019)