A.   Curb Requirements: Curbs shall be standard curb and gutter, not over six inches (6") high above the gutter, and constructed to specifications set down by the city. Standard curb shall be required when it is placed in an area where standard curbing already exists. Roll curbs shall be allowed when the newly constructed roll curbing will abut to other rolled curbing or in new subdivisions where curbing has not yet been constructed. These requirements may be changed when in the opinion of the city engineer, altering the requirements would be in the best interest of the city. Standard curbs without gutters shall not be allowed.
   B.   Residential Construction: Sidewalks shall be required on all new residential construction. Sidewalks in residential areas shall be four feet (4') wide and constructed to specifications of the city. Any deviation in width must have the permission of the planning commission and will only be allowed in order for sidewalks to conform to existing sidewalks adjacent to said lots. The mayor, city clerk, city engineer, or their appointed agent, may authorize an exception in a specific instance or instances where sidewalks are impossible or impractical to construct. Conditions can be imposed which shall require a developer to make the improvements which have been waived at some time in the future when construction of the improvements are practical.
   C.   Commercial Property Development: Standard curb and gutter shall be constructed in front of all commercial property development and along the side street of said property. Sidewalks in commercial areas shall be five feet (5') minimum width, and wider if necessary to conform with sidewalks already in existence, or from curb to property line.
   D.   Curb Cuts: Requests for curb cuts must be made, in writing, to the city clerk's office. Curb cuts up to twenty feet (20') may be allowed on fifty-foot (50') lots, and up to thirty five percent (35%) on lots above fifty feet (50'). No curb cut may be longer than thirty-five feet (35'), and twenty-one feet (21') of curb must be left between any two (2) curb cuts except where there are adjoining driveways. Curb cuts in compliance with these regulations may be approved by the city clerk and city engineer, or their designees. A request for any deviation in these regulations must be referred to the street superintendent and city engineer for approval. Every application for a building permit shall show where the curb cut will be and must have the approval of the engineer or building official.
   E.   Responsibility: If the property owner fails, neglects or refuses to construct sidewalks or curbs as required by this section, then the city may proceed to construct the same in accordance with the provisions of section 12.04.090 of this chapter. (Ord. 1469 § 1, 2019: Ord. 1318 § 1, 2010: Ord. 1261 § 1, 2006: Ord. 1258 § 1, 2006: Ord. 1202 § 1, 2001: Ord. 1197 § 1, 2001: Ord. 1059 § 1, 1993: prior code § 9-1-25)