UTILITY TERRAIN VEHICLE (“UTV”): | Has the same definition as “Recreational off-highway vehicle” as set forth in section 1-168.8 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, namely, any motorized off-highway device designed to travel primarily off-highway, 64 inches or less in width, having a manufacturer’s dry weight of 2,000 pounds or less, traveling on 4 or more non-highway tires, designed with a non-straddle seat and a steering wheel for steering control, except equipment such as lawnmowers. |
VILLAGE STREETS: | Any streets or public alleys within the corporate limits of the village where the posted speed limit is 35 miles per hour or less. (Ord. 22-03, 3-14-2022) |
A. The following rules and regulations apply to a UTV being operated on a Village Street:
1. Any person who operates a UTV shall adhere to all applicable state traffic laws;
2. An operator of a UTV must have a valid, state-issued Driver’s License;
3. UTVs must have current liability insurance, and proof of liability insurance readily available for inspection;
4. UTVs may not operate on county roads or highways that are within the Village other than to cross while travelling on a Village Street;
5. No person under the age of eighteen (18) shall be permitted to operate a UTV;
6. UTVs shall have headlights and taillights on at all times;
7. UTVs shall not exceed thirty miles per hour (30 MPH);
8. Operators and passengers of a UTV must remain seated and belted when the UTV is in operation;
9. Passengers under the age of eight (8) years shall be fastened into a child safety seat or booster seat that is fastened into the UTV;
10. A person who operates or is in actual physical control of a UTV on a Village Street is subject to 625 ILCS 11-500 through 11-502.1;
11. A UTV operator must yield the right of way to overtaking vehicles;
12. The maximum occupancy of UTVs travelling on Village Streets shall be the sum of one (1) person per bucket seat and two (2) persons per bench seat on the UTV;
13. UTVs shall be operated only between sunrise and sunset;
14. UTVs shall not be operated on sidewalks or on public property, other than parking areas or Village Streets; and
15. UTVs may not be operated when rain, snow, fog or other weather conditions hinder safe operations.
B. In addition to the above rules and regulations, a UTV may be operated on Village Streets only if:
1. The UTV has the equipment set forth in section 5-6-3 of this chapter;
2. The operator meets permit requirements and has a current, readily available permit issued in accordance with section 5-6-4 of this chapter; and
3. The operator displays on the UTV a decal issued by the police department in accordance with section 5-6-4 of this chapter. (Ord. 22-03, 3-14-2022)
A. No UTV may be operated on a Village Street or be permitted for operation on a Village Street unless it has the following equipment:
1. Brakes and brake lights;
2. Steering wheel;
3. Tires;
4. Horn;
5. A rearview mirror;
6. A stock muffler;
7. A “Slow moving vehicle” emblem as defined in section 12-709 of the Illinois Vehicle Code on the rear of the UTV;
8. A headlight with white light visible from five hundred feet (500') to the front when UTV is in operation;
9. A taillight with red light visible from one hundred feet (100') to the rear when UTV is in operation;
10. Turn signals at the front and rear of the UTV;
11. Red reflectorized warning devices in the front and rear of the UTV; and
12. Seatbelts for operator and passenger seats. (Ord. 22-03, 3-14-2022)