The following zoning districts and related purpose statements are hereby established:
A. R-1 Single-Family Residential: The purpose of the R-1 (single-family residential) zone is to have land area set aside by zoning procedures and in accordance with the comprehensive plan to preserve and enhance predominantly single-family living areas at a low density standard of six (6) dwelling units per acre or less. Such areas are to have a full range of urban services available or projected to be established to enable lot sizes, development designs and other development criteria to be properly met.
B. R-2 Combined Medium Density Residential: The purpose of the R-2 (combined medium density residential) zone is to provide medium density, residential development areas of ten (10) dwelling units per acre or less located primarily in older urban neighborhoods and adjacent to shopping, recreational and cultural facilities. Medium density development concentrations should have a full range of community services and facilities available or projected for establishment.
C. R-3 Multiple-Family High Density Residential: The purpose of the R-3 (multiple-family residential) zone is to provide areas by zoning procedures and in accordance with the comprehensive plan for medium to high density residential development of sixteen (16) dwelling units per acre or less. This type of zoning pattern is intended to provide transition or buffer areas between commercial uses and less intense activities and to provide places for higher density uses in selected places of the city's neighborhoods and communities.
D. C-1 Neighborhood Commercial: The purpose of the C-1 (neighborhood commercial) zone is to provide distinct zones by zoning procedures and in accordance with the comprehensive plan regulated to provide local commercial service needs primarily located at selected places at the perimeter of low density residential neighborhoods. This zoning district is intended to restrict incompatible uses which may be better located in the community or service oriented shopping areas due to the size of the shopping center, location within the community, residential neighborhood areas being served and other factors.
E. C-2 Community/Service Commercial: The purpose of the C-2 (community/service commercial) zone is to establish district zones by zoning procedures and in accordance with the comprehensive plan regulated to fulfill general shopping retail and service needs including central business area preferences.
F. M-1 Light Industrial: The purpose of the M-1 (light industrial) zone is to provide areas by zoning procedures and in accordance with the comprehensive plan which encourage the grouping together of light industrial uses capable of being operated under such standards as to location, appearance of buildings and the treatment of the land about them so that they will be unobtrusive and not unreasonably detrimental to surrounding commercial or residential uses.
G. M-2 Heavy Industrial: The purpose of the M-2 (heavy industrial) zone is to provide areas by zoning procedures and in accordance with the comprehensive plan which encourage suitable areas in which heavy industrial uses may locate, substantially free or buffered from residential, or retail commercial activities. (Ord. 527, 3-14-2005)
A. The boundaries of zoning districts shall be established and clearly indicated upon the official zoning map which is hereby adopted as part of this title.
B. All amendments to the official zoning map shall follow procedures set forth in this title.
C. Areas are to be classified according to the established zoning districts and shall give due consideration to the need for conformity with the adopted comprehensive plan and its stated goals and objectives. (Ord. 527, 3-14-2005)
Where uncertainties exist as to the boundaries of any zoning district as shown upon any zoning map or part thereof, the following rules shall apply:
A. Where any such boundary line is indicated as following a street, alley or public way, it shall be construed as following the centerline thereof.
B. Where a boundary line is indicated as approximately following a lot line, such lot line shall be construed to be the boundary.
C. Where zoning district boundaries are indicated so that they are approximately parallel to the centerlines of streets or highways, such boundaries shall be construed as being parallel thereto and at such distance therefrom as indicated on the official zoning map. If no distance is given, such dimensions shall be determined by the use of the scale shown on the official zoning map.
D. Where a boundary line divides a lot or crosses unsubdivided property, the location of such boundary shall be construed as nearly as possible to its depiction on the official zoning map. (Ord. 527, 3-14-2005)