Prior to the submission of any final subdivision plan, the subdivider shall file with the City Planning Commission a pencil tracing and five prints of a preliminary sketch plan of the proposed subdivision drawn to scale and covering the subdivision layout of the entire area of the owner's lands. This preliminary plan shall be accompanied by an application for approval and acceptance, as provided in Section 1103.03. The preliminary plan shall indicate the following:
   (a)   The owner's name and a general description of the location of his land shall appear in the title.
   (b)   The names of all owners of abutting property and recorded subdivisions showing dedicated street locations when the same terminate at the proposed subdivision line.
   (c)   The relation of the proposed subdivision to the vicinity and the major physical characteristics of the land.
   (d)   A layout of the subdivision including the location, width, approximate grades and curves of streets, approximate location and dimensions of lots and sublots, including sublot numbers, length of blocks, width and purposes of easements and location and approximate size of all other lands to be dedicated for public purposes.
   (e)   The approximate distances to nearby main or arterial roads.
   (f)   The topography of land embraced within the proposed subdivision (County Sanitary Engineer topography maps may be used for this purpose at this time).
   (g)   Proposed facilities such as methods for sewage disposal, water supply, drainage and street improvements.
   (h)   The directional flow of existing and proposed sewers.
   (i)   The location of existing sewer outlets.
   (j)   When a septic tank method of treatment is contemplated, the Preliminary Plan shall carry the approval of the County Board of Health (this approval may be made by letter).
   (k)   A tentative "approval" clause for the City Planning Commission Secretary, which shall provide date spaces.
   (l)   The location of play areas, parks, etc., when applicable.
   (m)   Proposed deed restrictions, building setback lines and such other information as may be required by these Subdivision Regulations.
   Unless the subdivision can be adequately and economically served with such public facilities and services as are suitable in the circumstances, the subdivision shall not be approved. The pencil tracing and one print of the approved, conditionally approved or disapproved preliminary plan, together with the memorandum of approval, conditional approval or disapproval, if any, shall be returned to the subdivider within a period of thirty days, after all the necessary information has been submitted. The other four prints of the sketch shall be retained by the Commission.
(Ord. 53-49. Passed 8-15-49; Ord. 46-56. Passed 3-5-56.)