1501.011   STANDARDS.
   (a)   Ohio Building Code. The Ohio Building Code, for which the designation "OBC" may be substituted, set forth in Chapters 4101:1-1 to 4101:1-35 of the Ohio Administrative Code, together with all amendments thereto promulgated by the Ohio Board of Building Standards, is hereby adopted and incorporated fully as if the OBC were written herein in its entirety. The provisions of the OBC shall operate as the minimum requirements for every building and structure, and any appurtenance connected or attached thereto which is governed under the OBC and is proposed for use in the City of Parma.
   (b)   Residential Code of Ohio. The Residential Code of Ohio, for which the designation "RCO" may be substituted, set forth in Chapters 4101:8-01 to 4101:8-25, 4101:8-29, 4101:8-34, and 4101:8-44 of the Ohio Administrative Code, together with all amendments thereto promulgated by the Ohio Board of Building Standards, is hereby adopted and incorporated fully as if the RCO were written herein in its entirety. The provisions of the RCO shall apply to every one-, two-, and three-family dwelling, any appurtenance connected or attached to such building or structure, and any accessory structure which is governed under the RCO and is proposed for use in the City of Parma.
   (c)   Ohio Mechanical Code. The Ohio Mechanical Code, for which the designation "OMC" may be substituted, set forth in Chapters 4101:2-1 to 4101:2-15 of the Ohio Administrative Code, together with all amendments thereto promulgated by the Ohio Board of Building Standards, is hereby adopted and incorporated fully as if the OMC were written herein in its entirety. The provisions of the OMC shall apply to the design, installation, maintenance, alteration, repair, relocation, replacement, addition to, use and inspection of mechanical systems within buildings that are proposed for use in the City of Parma. The OMC shall also apply to such other systems, system components, equipment and appliances as specifically addressed in the OMC.
   (d)   In addition to the requirements and standards of the OBC, the RCO, and the OMC, the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location, and maintenance of buildings and structures in the City of Parma shall conform to the provisions of this Building Code. In the event the provisions of this Building Code are in conflict with the provisions of the OBC, the RCO, or the OMC, the provisions of the OBC, RCO, and OMC shall apply.
   (e)   A complete copy of the OBC, the RCO, the OMC, and this Building Code are on file with the Clerk of the Parma City Council for public inspection and distribution at cost. Copies of said codes are also on file in the Cuyahoga County Law Library located in the Cuyahoga County Court House, City of Cleveland, Ohio.
(Ord. 113-17. Passed 7-10-17.)