(a)   The City warrants and agrees that so long as any contract between the City and the Government for loans (including preliminary loans) or annual contributions, or both, with respect to any project, remain in force and effect, or so long as any bonds issued in connection with such project remain outstanding, this chapter shall be regarded as a contract and shall not be abrogated, changed or modified without the consent of the Government. The privileges and obligations of the City hereunder shall remain in full force and effect with respect to each project so long as the beneficial title to such project is held by the City or some other agency thereof or some other public body or governmental agency, including the Government, authorized by law to engage in the development or administration of low-rent housing projects. If, at any time, the beneficial title to, or possession of, any project is held by such other public body or governmental agency, including the Government, this chapter shall inure to the benefit of and may be enforced by such other public body or governmental agency, including the Government.
   (b)   During the term described in subsection (a) hereof, any tenant of a project shall have the right and standing to bring an action in the Court of Common Pleas of the County to compel the City's compliance with this chapter.
   (c)   During the term described in subsection (a) hereof, the Government may enter into loan or annual contribution contracts with the City with regard to low-rent public housing and may incorporate therein the provisions of this chapter, which shall be enforceable in law or equity by mandamus, injunction or any other appropriate action or remedy.
(Ord. 67-85. Passed 3-20-85.)