With respect to any project, the City warrants and agrees as follows:
   (a)   After the initial construction of interior streets, roads, alleys and adjacent sidewalks within the area of such project constructed with project development funds, the City will operate, maintain, identify and own such facilities named, separate and distinct from the housing project, in the same manner as other like facilities owned by the City in its governmental capacity.
   (b)   The City will accept necessary dedications of land for such project, and will grade, improve, pave and provide sidewalks and streets bounding such project or necessary to provide adequate access thereto, and will charge the project, as cost thereof, such an amount as would be assessed against the project site for the work if it were privately owned.
   (c)   The City will provide, or cause to be provided, water mains, and storm and sanitary sewer mains, leading to such project and serving the bounding streets thereof, and will charge the project, as cost thereof, such an amount as would be assessed against the project site for the work if it were privately owned.
(Ord. 67-85. Passed 3-20-85.)