No person shall store or accumulate any derricks, pile drivers, road building, sewer or ditch-digging equipment or machinery, or any equipment for house moving or dredging, or any machinery, equipment or material of any kind, nature and description, on any property within the City, except in that portion of the City which has been classified or districted by the Zoning Code for industrial uses and purposes. Nothing herein contained shall prohibit persons engaged in the buying and selling of such material, machinery, equipment or other articles or products as hereinbefore enumerated, or hardware, machinery or equipment merchants or salespersons, from storing on the premises where business is regularly conducted such articles or products as they regularly deal in, provided that the same are properly housed. Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the storing of any equipment or material being used in any construction work on the premises where such construction work is being done, and for the period in which the particular project is under construction. Nothing herein contained shall enlarge upon or permit any uses for any property within the City other than those already provided by the Zoning Code and the Zone Map.
(Ord. 145-13. Passed 7-1-13.)