All drawings required by this Building Code to be filed with the Building Commissioner shall be drawn on paper or cloth, in ink or reproduced by some process that will not fade or obliterate, to a scale of not less than one-eighth inch to the foot. All distances, heights, dimensions, material and thickness of walls, sizes and material of all supporting members and structural parts and sizes of all openings shall be given and accurately figured and the drawings made accurate and complete. The entire sewerage, drain, soil and waste pipes, location of all plumbing fixtures, furnaces, boilers and other heating apparatus, hot air and steam or hot water heating pipes, electric wiring and gas and electric lighting outlets in the building shall be shown on the drawings. The location of the building and the names and addresses of the owner and the architect, author or maker of the drawings shall be indelibly inscribed thereon.
(Ord. 1177. Passed 3-3-30.)