(a)   When Required. This section applies to all uses developed in the City, excluding single-family and two-family dwelling units.
   (b)   Street Buffer Strips. A street buffer strip shall be provided and maintained on each developed property in a location between the sidewalk (where one exists or is proposed) and the curb or pavement edge of an adjacent public road. The entire area between the sidewalk and the curb shall be landscaped with grass and trees or an equivalent landscaping.
   (c)   Perimeter Parking Buffer Strips. In addition to the above requirements, a minimum grass- covered buffer strip of six feet in width with a six-inch high cement curbing is required from the sidewalk (where one exists or is proposed) to any parking area or driveway aisle that is located in a required yard abutting a public road. In addition to grass cover, the perimeter parking buffer strip shall contain a continuous line of evergreen shrubs planted at intervals of no more than five feet on center at an initial height of at least two feet, and a continuous row of trees spaced at intervals of no more than twenty feet on center at an initial height of at least eight feet. Such tree or shrub that covers over three feet in height shall be so located within the perimeter parking strip so as not to obstruct proper sight distance at intersecting parking aisles or where walkways intersect with vehicular driveway aisles.
   (d)   Length of Buffer Strips. Both the street buffer strip and the six-foot wide perimeter parking buffer strip shall be continuous and extend along the entire length of the front lot line that abuts a public right-of-way, except for areas pierced by walkway or driveway aisles to the extent necessary to provide safe ingress to and egress from the property.
(Ord. 138-90. Passed 12-16-91.)