(a)   Materials. A landscaped buffer may include, but shall not be limited to, trees, shrubs, bushes, grass cover, earth berms or a combination thereof.
   (b)   Fences and Walls. Fences may be required as part of a landscaped buffer where a fence is necessary to protect the public health, safety, comfort and quiet enjoyment of those in the affected districts from such nuisances as traffic, noise and light. The Planning Commission shall determine the style, type and size of the fence upon consideration of the circumstances creating the need for the fence. Walls and berms shall be used only in the most unusual cases as one of several options to the developer to fulfill the buffering requirement.
   (c)   Natural Plantings Requirement. Where natural plantings are used to provide a landscaped buffer contiguous to side and rear property lines, such plantings shall provide eighty percent summer opacity and sixty percent winter opacity when viewed from two to ten feet above ground level.
   (d)   Buffering Effect. The desired buffering effect shall be achieved not later than twelve months after the initial installation. The Planning Commission may extend this period of time when a hardship would be created because of expected growth or material shortages, but the Commission shall not extend such period beyond two growing seasons from the time the initial installation was to have been or has been installed.
   (e)   Modification of Requirements. The Commission may modify or change the location of a landscaped buffer area contiguous to side and rear property lines where topographical problems prevent the installation of buffer materials or plantings, if confirmed by the City Engineer.
(Ord. 138-90. Passed 12-16-91; Ord. 289-96. Passed 1-21-97.)