1199.04   DEFINITIONS.
   As used in this chapter:
   (a)   "Landscaping" means living materials, including, but not limited to, grass, ground covers, shrubs, vines, hedges, trees and nonliving durable material commonly used in landscape development.
   (b)   "Screening" means plant material or other nonliving durable material, including, but not limited to, walls, berms or fencing.
   (c)   "Opacity" means the state of being impervious to rays of light measured by observation of any two square yard area lying between two feet and ten feet from the ground.
   (d)   "Shrub" means a self-supporting, deciduous and/or evergreen species, normally branched near the base, bushy and less than fifteen feet in height, as normally grown in Cuyahoga County.
   (e)   "Tree" means a self-supporting, woody, deciduous and/or evergreen plant with a well-defined central stem, or a species of such plant that normally grows to a height of fifteen feet or more in Cuyahoga County.
   (f)   "Vine" means a plant that normally requires physical support to reach mature form.
   (g)   "Buffer" means an open, unoccupied land area used to visibly separate one use from another or to shield or block noise, lights or other nuisances.
   (h)   "Landscaped buffer" means a buffer that contains landscaping and/or screening materials.
(Ord. 138-90. Passed 12-16-91; Ord. 289-96. Passed 1-21-97.)