(a)   General Setback. Each building shall be located at six to 15 feet from every dedicated street right-of-way and property line of the mixed use development area. Such buildings shall have a minimum six to 15 feet of landscaped area between all property lines, other buildings, public streets, private streets and drives as approved by Planning Commission. The Planning Commission may, however, vary said setback distance if it determines that the intent of this chapter will be adequately met.
   (b)   Buildings and Structures. Buildings and structures shall be of the size, location, design, and material(s) as the Planning Commission determines shall best accomplish the development of a parcel, or a portion thereof, as appropriate in landscaped surroundings consistent with the spirit and intent of this District.
   (c)   Retail Uses. Retail uses shall not occupy more than 50% of the gross floor area of any Mixed Use A District.
   (d)   Residential Buffers. All Mixed Use Developments must comply with Chapter 1199 of the Parma Codified Ordinances. The Planning Commission may however, vary said residential buffers if it determines that the intent of this chapter will be adequately met.
   (e)   Height. The maximum height within a Mixed Use District A shall not exceed three stories for all permitted uses in the Mixed Use District A.
   (f)   Utilities. All utilities shall be installed underground.
(Ord. 271-09. Passed 1-4-10.)