(a)   If, subject to the conditions of the approved Preliminary Plan, the subdivider proceeds with a proposal to dedicate any lands mentioned in Section 1103.01, he shall cause such lands to be accurately surveyed and provided with suitable monuments at all essential points along the boundaries and at street intersections and shall cause a Final Plan thereof to be prepared, accurately drawn to scale in waterproof ink on tracing cloth and indicating the exact size of all lots, proposed streets, alleys, roads, etc., minimum setback lines and other information required herein. The Final Plan shall indicate the name of the subdivision, with a general description of its location shown in the title. It shall be drawn to a scale of not less than 100 feet to an inch. It shall describe the survey of lands subdivided and all proposed thoroughfares, and the dimension of each engineering line shall be shown to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot. The scale of the drawing and a directional point shall be shown on the Final Plan. True bearings and distances to the nearest official monuments or established street lines shall be placed at all corners and angle points of plan boundary lines, at points of curve on streets, at street intersections and at sublot boundary lines, including those along the street frontage. Sublots shall be numbered consecutively. Monuments shall be made and placed in accordance with the design, standards and specifications of the City. Accurate street center line dimensions and bearings, showing the locations of street monuments which shall be later set by the owner, shall be shown. All streets and areas requiring future acceptance or dedication shall be shown in yellow shade or outline, with the names of the streets previously assigned by the City Planning Commission shown thereon. The names of all owners whose undeveloped lands abut the subdivision and the volume and page numbers of their deed records shall be shown. These names shall be the latest placed on record. The names of abutting recorded subdivisions with volume and page numbers as recorded, indicating abutting street locations as proposed or dedicated therein, shall also be shown. All easements lines, with accurate dimensions and bearings on those covering sewer and/or water installations shall be indicated, together with easement lines along rear lot lines (when applicable) for poles, conduits, etc. The correctness of the data shown upon such Final Plan shall be certified to by a licensed engineer or registered surveyor and the lands shown thereon as highways shall be dedicated by the owners thereof to public highway use. The Final Plan shall also contain blanks for signatures showing the approval of Council and the Commission. Detailed plans of water systems, storm and sanitary sewers, sidewalks and street improvements, as may be required, of the streets to be dedicated shall be submitted with the plat showing existing surface elevations and proposed grades of such streets. The proposed grade of the streets offered for dedication shall conform to the grade established or approved by the City Engineer. All elevations shall refer to the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Cleveland Regional Survey Monuments. Such Plan and profiles shall be filed with the Commission for the approval of such plan and acceptance of such dedication. The plan and profiles will become the property of the City.
(Ord. 53-49. Passed 8-15-49; Ord. 304-54. Passed 12-21-54; Ord. 46-56. Passed 3-5-56.)
    (b)   Copies of the Final Plan shall be filed, at least ten days prior to the final hearing before the Commission, with the Building Commissioner, the Director of Public Service and the City Engineer, each of whom shall carefully examine the proposed dedication and make his report to the Commission prior to its final determination on the proposed dedication.
(Ord. 304-54. Passed 12-21-54.)
   (c)   The final submission of the Final Plan for approval of the Commission shall include six prints: one for the Director of Public Service, two for the City Engineer, one for the Building Commissioner, one for the owner, and one for the Commission files.
   A duplicate linen tracing shall be furnished to and retained by the City Engineer.
   (d)   After official approval by the Commission, the City shall cause the Final Plan to be recorded. All costs of recording shall be paid by the owner.
   (e)   After all necessary street improvements have been properly installed or, in lieu of the improvement installations, performance bonds and/or assessment bonds, meeting the approval of the Solicitor, have been filed with the City, Council may accept the dedication of the streets by ordinance. Cash deposited in escrow covering the estimated cost of the improvement installations shall be acceptable in place of the bonds.
   (f)   The Solicitor shall check all clauses shown on the Final Plan as to requirements and legality prior to submission to Council for dedication and recording.
(Ord. 46-56. Passed 3-5-56.)