For purposes of this chapter, the following terms are defined as follows:
   (a)   "City" means the City of Parma, Ohio.
   (b)   "City Forester" means the City Engineer or his/her qualified designated individual of the City assigned to carry out the execution of this chapter.
   (c)   "Commercial places" includes all lots within the City zoned and/or rezoned Automobile Parking District, Commercial/Office District, Industrial District, Research/Manufacturing District, Industrial Park District or for any other commercial use which the City from time to time may establish by separate district pursuant to the provisions of Chapters 1157 et seq. of the Planning and Zoning Code.
   (d)   "Commercial trees" includes all shade and ornamental trees now or hereafter growing on any commercial place.
   (e)   "Dripline" means the approximately circular vertical extension to the ground of the outermost branches and leaves of the tree, as an indication of the spread of the root system.
   (f)   "Multi-family residential places" includes all lots within the City zoned and/or rezoned Multi- Family District or for any other multi-family use which the City from time to time may establish by separate district, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1121 et seq. of the Planning and Zoning Code.
   (g)   "Multi-family residential trees" includes all shade and ornamental trees now or hereafter growing on any multifamily residential place.
   (h)   "Person" means any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, organization of any kind, public or private.
   (i)   "Public places" includes all other grounds owned by or under the control of the City.
   (j)   "Public trees" includes all shade and ornamental trees now or hereafter growing on any street or any public place.
   (k)   "Single family residential places" includes all undeveloped lots over one acre in size within the City zoned and/or rezoned single family house, two-family house, or single-family cluster districts or for any other similar uses which the City from time to time may establish by separate district, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1121 et seq. of the Planning and Zoning Code.
   (l)   "Single family residential trees" includes all shade and ornamental trees now or hereafter growing on any single family residential place.
   (m)   "Street" means the entire width of every public way, easement, or right-of-way when any part thereof is open to the use of the public as a matter of right, for purposes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
   (n)   "Treelawn" means that part of a street not covered by sidewalk or other paving, lying between the property line and that portion of the street used for vehicular traffic, usually the area between sidewalk and curb.
(Ord. 222-01. Passed 9-4-01; Ord. 193-02. Passed 5-20-02.)