The Office of the Director of Public Safety, in the handling of complaints, shall adhere to and be responsible for the following procedure:
(a) Receipts of complaints, written or verbal, concerning taxi-cab companies and taxi-cab drivers.
(b) Acknowledgment to the complainant of the receipt therefor, if received by mail.
(c) Investigation and report shall show the name and address of the complainant, the date and nature of the complaint, as well as a statement of what has been done to take care of the complaint.
(d) Retention by the Office of the Director of Public Safety of one copy in a file known as the open file.
(e) If the subject of the complaint represents a danger of bodily harm to the public, investigation by the Office of the Director of Public Safety shall commence within twenty-four hours. The subject of other complaints shall be addressed in a timely manner based upon priority.
(Ord. 114-01. Passed 5-21-01.)