The purposes and authority of the Data Processing Review Board shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
   (a)   To study the current and long term data processing needs of all City departments;
   (b)   To study data processing reports and to recommend needed revisions, replacements and/or modifications;
   (c)   To study the method and basis by which the City's computer system will be utilized, and to make recommendations pertaining thereto;
   (d)   To monitor the rising costs of data processing equipment and supplies and to recommend expenditures to Council to obtain the highest efficiency of operation and the lowest possible cost;
   (e)   To develop an annual and a five-year master plan for the design and growth of the computer system and for the data processing needs of the City;
   (f)   To recommend to Council professional assistance in carrying out any or all of the purposes and exercise of authority stated in this section;
   (g)   To review all requests for data processing needs, except those normal expenditures originating from the data processing office.
(Ord. 368-89. Passed 11-8-89.)