(a)   Employees, except for police officers and other employees specifically authorized by the Chief of Police of the City of Parma to carry a firearm while on duty, are prohibited from entering property under the control and operation of the City while carrying a firearm of any kind, regardless of whether they are licensed to carry the firearm. Police officers are not covered by this policy but are covered by standard operating procedures established by the Chief of Police.
      (1)   "Firearm" as used herein shall mean any deadly weapon capable of expelling or propelling one or more projectiles by the action of an explosive or combustion propellant. "Firearm" includes an unloaded firearm, and any firearm that is inoperable but that can readily be rendered operable.
      (2)   "Property" as referenced in this policy means:
         A.   All City facilities, including but not limited to, buildings, golf courses, and surrounding areas such as sidewalks, walkways, and driveways.
         B.   City vehicles of all types, while being used for business of the City.
         C.   All worksites, including areas where City employees are engaged in work for the City. Worksites may include general right-of-way while employees of the City are engaged in work in the immediate area.
   (b)   Employees of the City are also prohibited from carrying a firearm while in the course and scope of performing their job, regardless of whether they are on City property at the time. This policy also prohibits employees carrying weapons at any City sponsored recreational function such as parties or picnics.
   (c)   Legal, chemical dispensing devices such as pepper sprays that are sold commercially for personal protection are not covered by this policy.
   (d)   Employees with a question about whether an item is covered by this policy, should direct the question to their immediate supervisor. Employees are responsible for ensuring that an item they possess is not covered by this policy before bringing it onto City property or on their person or vehicle while in the course and scope of conducting City business.
   (e)   Employees must report individuals violating any provision of this policy to their supervisor or to the City's Director of Personnel.
   (f)   The Mayor reserves the right to authorize the Police Chief to conduct a search of any employee, person, vehicle or object that enters onto property controlled by the City, or any worksite if there is reason to believe that an employee is in violation of this policy. With such reasonable suspicion, searches may be conducted on employee's desks, lockers, purses, briefcases, baggage, lunch sacks, clothing or vehicles.
   (g)   This policy shall not be construed to create any duty or obligation on the part of the City to take any actions beyond those required of an employer by existing law.
(Res. 180-04. Passed 7-6-04.)