173.06   VACATIONS.
   (a)   Definitions.
      (1)   "Vacation leave" means leave with pay granted to full-time employees of the City as a reward for satisfactory service and as an incentive for future service, and is earned in one calendar year, and is to be taken only in the following calendar year. Vacations are not cumulative and must be taken in the calendar year as due, except as otherwise provided herein.
(Ord. 11-75. Passed 2-16-76.)
      (2)   "Continuous employment" means, for purposes of vacation leave, an employee's period of employment with the City in which he or she is continuously employed by the City, including authorized leaves of absence and/or periods when the employee is laid off due to a reduction of employees, provided however, that such layoff time does not exceed one year. The period of layoff or authorized leave shall not be considered as a break in service. However, time spent on leave or layoff shall not be credited towards continuous service. Should the layoff period exceed one year, the rehiring of such employee shall constitute the start of a new period of employment for purposes of continuous service with the City.
(Ord. 223-84. Passed 11-19-84.)
      (3)   "Service credit" means, for purposes of vacation leave, and notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, that a person employed by the City is entitled to have his or her prior service with the State or any political subdivision of the State counted as credit for the purpose of computing the amount of his or her vacation leave. However, any person initially employed by the City on or after July 5, 1987, shall have only his or her prior service with the City so credited.
(Ord. 299-88. Passed 11-21-88.)
   (b)   Earning of Vacation Leave. Except as otherwise provided in subsections (d) and (e) hereof:
      (1)   Any new employee who commences employment with the City shall first serve a probationary period of three months before being finally certified on the payrolls of the City as a regular full-time employee. Following the three-month probationary period of time in service, such employee shall, upon being certified on the payrolls of the City as a regular full-time employee, receive the benefit of the three-month probationary service period toward his seniority. The date of employment shall be considered the first day of employment by the City under the probationary clause. Each employee who has completed less than one year of continuous employment beginning with the first date of his employment shall receive one work day off for each month worked but not more than eight work days, and these days shall be taken in the following calendar year. The first full calendar year thereafter that the employee works, he or she shall be credited in the following calendar year with a full two-week vacation and thereafter until subparagraph (2) hereof is applicable.
(Ord. 49-76. Passed 3-15-76.)
      (2)   Each employee who has completed eight years of service beginning with his first date of employment shall receive three weeks vacation with pay after such anniversary date.
      (3)   Each employee who has completed fifteen years of continuous service beginning with the first date of employment shall receive four weeks vacation with pay after such anniversary date. This shall be effective as of January 1, 1973.
      (4)   Each employee who has completed twenty years of continuous employment beginning with the first date of employment shall receive five weeks vacation with pay after such anniversary date. This shall be effective as of January 1, 1974.
(Ord. 11-75. Passed 2-16-76.)
      (5)   Effective January 1, 1978, each employee who has completed twenty-five years of continuous employment beginning with the first date of employment shall receive six weeks vacation with pay after such anniversary date.
(Ord. 120-78. Passed 6-5-78.)
      (6)   Where, because of an anniversary date falling in the last month of a year, it becomes difficult to schedule an extra vacation week which accrues under this subsection, the department director or elected administrative official shall, and is permitted, to schedule such extra accrued week anytime within the dates of December 1 of that year and January 31 of the following year, but only for the first year of that extra accrual of vacation, under that term of service.
(Ord. 11-75. Passed 2-16-76.)
   (c)   Use of Vacation Leave. Except as otherwise provided in subsections (d) and (e) hereof:
      (1)   The time of taking a vacation shall be subject to the approval of the appropriate department personnel. Any vacation not taken during the year in which it is due to be taken may not be taken thereafter.
(Ord. 223-84. Passed 11-19-84.)
      (2)   Any employee who has completed one full year of service and is eligible for vacation under existing rules, who leaves the City because of disability or voluntary resignation or who is laid off, may receive as terminal vacation any vacation credit earned in the last calendar year and not previously used. In such case, the separation date shall be fixed to coincide with the end of the vacation period. No vacation leave or pay shall be granted for service from the first day of the calendar year to the date of leaving City employment, except that in the case of retirement or death while employed by the City, unused leave earned during both the prior and current calendar years shall be payable as provided in Section 173.03.
(Ord. 120-83. Passed 3-5-84.)
      (3)   In order to bring all personnel in line with the same calendar year procedures by December 31, 1976, the Auditor is hereby authorized to set rules and procedures so that equitable adjustment is made for each employee and for the City and so that effective January 1, 1977, all City personnel are on the calendar year basis.
(Ord. 11-75. Passed 2-16-76.)
   (d)   Vacations for Particular Employees Effective January 1, 1980. Effective January 1, 1980, each employee within the positions designated in Schedule "A" attached to original Ordinance 33-80, passed February 18, 1980, and in Schedule "A" attached to original Ordinance 223-84, passed November 19, 1984, and truck drivers, special equipment operators, fire hydrant supervisors, sign painters, maintenance specialists and timekeepers within the Department of Public Service shall receive vacation time as follows:
      (1)   Each such employee who has completed less than one year of continuous employment beginning with the first date of his or her employment shall receive one work day off for each month worked but not more than eight work days, with pay, and these days shall be taken in the following calendar year. The first full calendar year thereafter that the employee works, he or she shall be credited in the following calendar year with a full two-week vacation, with pay, and thereafter until paragraph (d)(2) hereof is applicable.
      (2)   Each such employee who has completed seven years of service beginning with his or her first date of employment shall receive three weeks vacation with pay after such anniversary date.
      (3)   Each such employee who has completed fifteen years of continuous service beginning with the first date of employment shall receive four weeks vacation with pay after such anniversary date.
      (4)   Each such employee who has completed twenty years of continuous employment beginning with the first date of employment shall receive five weeks vacation with pay after such anniversary date.
      (5)   Each such employee who has completed twenty-four years of continuous employment beginning with the first date of employment shall receive six weeks vacation with pay after such anniversary date.
   (e)   Vacations for Particular Employees Effective January 1, 1982. Effective January 1, 1982, any employee as set forth in subsection (d) hereof shall receive vacation time as follows:
      (1)   Each such employee who has completed less than one year of continuous employment beginning with the first date of his or her employment shall receive one work day off for each month worked but not more than eight work days, with pay, and these days shall be taken in the following calendar year. The first full calendar year thereafter that the employee works, he or she shall be credited in the following calendar year with a full two-week vacation, with pay, and thereafter until paragraph (e)(2) hereof is applicable.
      (2)   Each such employee who has completed seven years of service beginning with his or her first date of employment shall receive three weeks vacation with pay after such anniversary date.
      (3)   Each such employee who has completed fourteen years of continuous service beginning with the first date of employment shall receive four weeks vacation with pay after such anniversary date.
      (4)   Each such employee who has completed nineteen years of continuous employment beginning with the first date of employment shall receive five weeks vacation with pay after such anniversary date.
      (5)   Each such employee who has completed twenty-three years of continuous employment beginning with the first date of employment shall receive six weeks vacation with pay after such anniversary date.
(Ord. 23-80. Passed 2-18-80; Ord. 33-80. Passed 2-18-80; Ord. 44-80. Passed 3-3-80; Ord. 223-84. Passed 11-19-84.)
   (f)   Vacations for Body Repairmen-Painters and Apprentice Body Repairmen. Body repairmen-painters and apprentice body repairmen shall receive vacation time as follows:
      (1)   Each such employee who has completed less than one year of continuous employment beginning with the first date of his or her employment shall receive one work day off for each month worked but not more than eight work days, with pay, and these days shall be taken in the following calendar year. The first full calendar year thereafter that the employee works, he or she shall be credited in the following calendar year with a full two-week vacation, with pay, and thereafter until paragraph (2) hereof is applicable.
      (2)   Each such employee who has completed seven years of service beginning with his or her first date of employment shall receive three weeks vacation with pay after such anniversary date.
      (3)   Each such employee who has completed fifteen years of continuous service beginning with the first date of employment shall receive four weeks vacation with pay after such anniversary date.
      (4)   Each such employee who has completed twenty years of continuous employment beginning with the first date of employment shall receive five weeks vacation with pay after such anniversary date.
      (5)   Each such employee who has completed twenty-four years of continuous employment beginning with the first date of employment shall receive six weeks vacation with pay after such anniversary date.
(Ord. 55-81. Passed 5-4-81.)
   (g)   Vacations for Automotive Mechanics, Apprentice Automotive Mechanics, Laborers (Class "A") and Fire Hydrant Mechanics. Notwithstanding any of the other provisions of this section, automotive mechanics, apprentice automotive mechanics, laborers (Class "A') and fire hydrant mechanics shall receive vacation time as follows:
      (1)   Each such employee who has completed less than one year of continuous employment, beginning with the first date of his or her employment, shall receive one work day off for each month worked, but not more than eight work days, with pay, and these days shall be taken in the following calendar year. After the first full calendar year thereafter that the employee works, he or she shall be credited in the following calendar year with a full two-week vacation, with pay, and thereafter until paragraph (g)(2) hereof is applicable.
      (2)   Each such employee who has completed seven years of service, beginning with his or her first date of employment, shall receive three weeks of vacation with pay after such anniversary date.
      (3)   Each such employee who has completed fourteen years of continuous service, beginning with the first date of employment, shall receive four weeks of vacation with pay after such anniversary date.
      (4)   Each such employee who has completed nineteen years of continuous employment, beginning with the first date of employment, shall receive five weeks of vacation with pay after such anniversary date.
      (5)   Each such employee who has completed twenty-three years of continuous employment, beginning with the first date of employment, shall receive six weeks of vacation with pay after such anniversary date.
      This subsection shall be effective retroactively to and after January 1, 1982.
(Ord. 94-82. Passed 6-9-82.)
   (h)   Personal Day. Any employee in a position listed in Schedule "A" of Ordinance 48-86, passed March 17, 1986, who has completed forty-five calendar days of employment shall be entitled to one personal day of additional vacation to be taken during the balance of the calendar year in which the forty-fifth day of employment falls. Subsequently, such employees shall be entitled to one personal day of additional vacation in each succeeding calendar year. The personal day shall be taken as a full day only and approval for it must be requested in advance, in writing, and submitted to the appropriate department head.
(Ord. 75-86. Passed 5-19-86.)