(a)   Registered civil engineers shall be appointed to perform certain supplemental engineering work, when properly authorized by the Director of Public Service to do so.
   (b)   Such engineers shall receive for such services the following basic fees:
      (1)   For preliminary estimates and reports, detailed plans and specifications, staking of improvements, and general supervision of improvements as undertaken by the City and for other similar improvements, the following basic schedule of minimum fees, based upon the actual cost of construction shall apply:
Cost of Construction
Fee (Percent)
Less than $25,000
At hourly rates hereinafter specified.
$25,000 to 40,000
40,000    to 50,000
50,000 to 100,000
100,000 to 150,000
150,000 to 200,000
200,000 to 250,000
250,000 to 350,000
350,000 to 450,000
450,000 to 500,000
500,000 to 650,000
650,000 to 750,000
750,000 and over
          The distribution or breakdown of the above schedule as applied to the various percentages for different cost classifications shall be as follows: (all in percentages of the total fees).
         Preliminary estimate and preliminary reports, ten percent (based upon the engineer's estimate of construction cost).
         Detailed plans and specifications, fifty percent to sixty percent (based upon the engineer's estimate of construction cost).
          Staking of improvements and general supervision, 100 percent of total fee, (based upon final contract cost, less payments previously made).
         Schedule fees shall cover engineering services including preliminary estimates and preliminary reports; complete detailed plans and specifications, and detailed estimates of costs; general supervision of construction, including staking of improvements; preparation of monthly and final estimates for contractors' payments. The schedule of fees does not include inspection of construction; shop, mill, field or laboratory inspection of materials or cost of test borings and other subsurface explorations, which services shall be furnished by the City or at the City's option may be provided by the engineer at actual cost, nor does the schedule include property, boundary or right-of-way or topographical surveys; or calculations of special assessments which, if required, shall be furnished by the engineer at the hourly rate hereinafter provided.
         For purposes of this section "general supervision" means supervision of the construction by periodical visits by the engineer or his representative from the office of the engineer. "Inspector" means a person who inspects the construction in detail under the general supervision of the engineer or a representative of the engineer, and who shall receive compensation for his services from the City.
         The above schedule is understood to cover minimum fees for normal conditions and may be increased for difficult or unusual conditions.
         Should the engineer be required to render additional service because of changes, delays or other causes beyond his control, then the engineer shall be compensated for such additional services on the basis of the hourly rate schedule shown below under subsection (b)(2).
         The basic fee includes the furnishing of five copies of reports, plans and specifications, on paper. Additional copies shall be furnished to the City at cost. Original documents and survey notes are, and shall be, the property of the City. The minimum fee for preliminary estimates and preliminary reports, as set forth in the preceding breakdown of the basic fee, is not intended to cover engineering services in connection with preliminary investigations and reports involving detailed consideration of operations, maintenance and overhead expenses, or the preparation of rate schedules for the sale of utility service, and consideration of the economic feasibility of such projects as municipally or privately owned electric or other public utilities of a competitive nature. Fees for engineering services in connection with preliminary investigations and reports of this nature shall be not less than fifteen percent of the basic engineering fee (expressed as a percentage as applied to the engineer's preliminary estimate of the project). Should the engineer be engaged subsequently to furnish detailed plans and specifications and the general supervision of construction, a part of the fee for the preliminary investigation and report equivalent to five to ten percent of the basic engineering fee shall apply as a credit on the basic fee.
      (2)   For miscellaneous services of whatever kind, authorized by the Director of Public Service, the engineer shall receive hourly compensation for the various classifications of workers required, as follows:
Assistant Engineer
Party Chief
Rodman, chainman
Clerk, stenographer
         The above schedule of rates contemplates the performance of work during periods not to exceed eight hours in one day nor forty hours in one week. Rates for work in excess of such hours, if such work is authorized by the Director of Public Service, shall be increased fifty percent above the rates as listed.
    (c)   The Director of Public Service is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with such engineer for the purpose and under the terms set forth herein.
(Ord. 48-60. Passed 4-4-60.)