(A) Each primary structure within the city limits shall be assigned an address.
(B) The list of addresses of all primary structures within the city shall be held at the office of the City Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 14-32) Penalty, see § 150.99
(A) All owners or occupants of residential, commercial, and industrial structures within the city shall display their assigned address numbers on the outside of their primary structures, near the front door, for emergency purposes. The address number must be located on a primary structure surface facing the public road, clearly visible from the road, address numbers shall be no smaller than 4 inches, shall be coated with reflective materials, and colors should be in strong contrast with background. No self-adhesive number appliques shall be used.
(B) In those cases where the principal building’s address is obscured from view from the street of address by accessory buildings, trees, shrubbery or other visual obstruction, the numbers shall be displayed on the mailbox in numerals not less than 2 inches high, of a light reflective material and of a contrasting color to the background. In those cases where the principal building is obscured from the view from the street address and the residence does not have a mailbox, the numbers shall be displayed from a permanent mounting on the property, clearly visible from the street, displayed prominently in numerals not less than 4 inches high of light reflective material of contrasting color to the background. The post should be within 50 feet of the road and 10 feet of the driveway. The bottom of the address sign shall be placed at a height that is no less than 4 feet above the level of the surface of the road.
(Prior Code, § 14-33) Penalty, see § 150.99