(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or harbor, within the city, a dog known to be potentially dangerous unless it is, at all times, kept on the owner’s or harbor’s property, securely confined indoors, or in a securely enclosed and locked outdoor pen or shelter suitable to prevent entry of young children and designed to prevent the dog from escaping.
(B) The structure must have minimum dimensions of five feet (5’) by ten feet (10’) and must have secure sides and a secure top. If the structure does not have a concrete, cement, or asphalt bottom, the sides must be imbedded into the ground, no less than two feet (2’). The enclosure must also provide the dog with protection from the elements.
(C) A potentially dangerous dog shall be transported to or from the indoors and securely enclosed and locked in an outdoor pen.
(D) Dangerous dogs are subject to all restrictions listed above and also shall be permitted off the owner’s or harbor’s property only if the dogs are muzzled and restrained by a substantial chain or leash not exceeding six feet (6’) in length and under control of an adult being someone eighteen (18) years or older. The muzzle must be made in a manner that will not cause injury to the dog or interfere with the vision or respiration, but must prevent the dog from biting any person or animal.
(E) A vicious dog shall be subject to all the above restrictions and if the dog has bitten a human being, the dog shall be brought or surrendered to the animal shelter for testing. Further, the dog shall be kept for the time necessary to determine it’s health. If the animal is found to be rabid, it shall be euthanized. If the animal is found healthy, there is to be a hearing with the District Court to determine the disposition of the animal. The disposition may include euthanization, however, if the attack occurred on the dog owner’s property and it is the first such incident, then the District Court shall be limited to the provisions in this chapter, excluding euthansia.
(F) Any animal that is shown to have bitten a human being without provocation more than once, shall, upon such showing, be euthanized. Any animal shown to have bitten or killed, without provocation, on more than one (1) occasion other than domestic animals off of the property of his owner may be euthanized at the direction of the District Court. All costs related to this proceeding shall be paid by the owner at that time or by reimbursement. These costs are in addition to any other expenses arising from the attack.
(Ord. 97-24, passed 9-16-97)
(A) No person having under his or her control a dog or cat, shall allow the dog or cat to defecate on any public or private property other than his or her own, whether or not the waste created is conducive to removal as anticipated by subsection (B).
(B) Any person having under his or her control a dog or cat, shall take all necessary steps to properly remove and dispose of any waste or excrement created on public or private property by the dog or cat in his or her control, disposing of said waste in an appropriate manner upon his or her own property. For the purpose of this section, "DOG" or "CAT" shall be defined as including any domesticated animal.
(C) All persons having under their control a dog or cat on public or private property other than their own shall then possess on their person sufficient equipment and supplies to effect the removal and proper disposal of any waste that might be created by said animal.
(D) Any person who violates this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and no more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense. Each day the violation exists shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. 2003-6, passed 4-28-03)
(A) It is hereby determined that pit bull dogs are potentially hazardous and unreasonably dangerous to the health, safety, and welfare to the citizens, residents and inhabitants of the city. In response to this determination the following restrictions on pit bull ownership will apply to all pit bull dogs within the city.
(B) No person living within the city will be permitted to own more than three (3) pit bull dogs licensed in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Paris Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) approved pit bull dog foster homes registered with the Bourbon County Animal Control Officer shall be exempt from this regulation.
(C) When a pit bull dog is indoors the owner must secure all means of egress so that the dog may not exit.
(D) It shall be unlawful for any person to tether, fasten, chain, tie, restrain or cause a pit bull dog to be fastened, chained, tied or restrained to houses, trees, fences, garages or other stationary or highly immobile objects by means of a rope, chain, strap or other physical restraint for the purpose of confinement, except in circumstances where all of the following requirements are met:
(1) The tethering shall not be for more time than is necessary for the dog owner or custodian to complete a temporary task that requires the dog to be physically restrained and shall not exceed one (1) hour in any twenty-four (24) hour period.
(2) The dog must be tethered by a non-choke type collar or a body harness to a tether that is at least ten (10) feet in length and which tether is free from entanglement.
(3) The dog must have access to food, water and shelter as described below.
(4) The dog shall be monitored periodically.
(E) When the dog is outside and on the premises of the owner, a pit bull dog must be caged at all times secured in a barricaded containment area approved by the Bourbon County Animal Control Officer. The structure must have minimum dimensions of ten (10') feet by fifteen (15') feet, one hundred fifty (150 sq') square feet, must have secure sides and a secure top, or if without a top, six (6') foot tall with an angled top sides of fencing. If the structure does not have a concrete, cement, or asphalt bottom, the sides must be embedded in to the ground no less than two (2') feet. The enclosure must also provide the dog protection from the elements. The structure must also be constructed so that a child cannot penetrate the barricade with his or her hand.
(F) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit owners or others walking dogs off the premises of the owner with a hand held leash not longer than four (4') feet, in the control of an adult with physical ability to control the dog.
(G) It shall be unlawful to breed pit bull dogs within the city limits of the city.
(H) There is hereby imposed on the owners of pit bull dogs a city license fee equal to sixteen ($16.00) dollars, which shall be obtained when the dog reaches six (6) months of age, and annually thereafter.
(I) The owner, or any person in possession, of every pit bull dog born or brought into the city shall, on or before the pit bull dog reaches six (6) months of age, or has been present in the city of thirty (30) days if over six (6) months old when brought into the city, shall be responsible for the spaying or neutering of such dog. Proof of such condition shall be in the form of a certificate from a licensed veterinarian.
(Ord. 2008-2, passed 5-13-08)
(A) From and after the effective date of this section, no person shall own or possess, or buy, sell, or trade, or otherwise transfer ownership or possession of a pit bull dog which has not been registered and obtained a permit pursuant to this section.
(B) The owner, or any person in possession of every pit bull dog born or brought into the city shall register that dog with the Bourbon County Animal Control Officer or authorized agent. No pit bull dog shall be issued a permit pursuant to this section until that dog has been properly registered with the Bourbon County Animal Control Officer or authorized agent. As a condition of initial registration, as well as each annual permit renewal, the Bourbon County Animal Control Officer or authorized agent shall require the owner of the pit bull dog to furnish the following:
(1) The name and address of the owner; or person in possession;
(2) The location where the Pit Bull dog will be kenneled or housed; and
(3) A certificate from a veterinarian, or other documentation satisfactory to the Bourbon County Animal Control Officer or authorized agent, that the pit bull dog has had a microchip inserted, which microchip shall meet the standards for microchips approved by the Bourbon County Animal Control Officer or authorized agent, and proof of spaying or neutering in the form of a certificate from a licensed veterinarian.
(C) Registration required under this section shall be renewed annually, as the Bourbon County Animal Control Officer or authorized agent shall provide. All requirements for initial registration shall also apply to annual renewals.
(D) The registered location of any pit bull dog shall not be changed for any period in excess of three (3) days without notification to the Bourbon County Animal Control Officer or authorized agent. The owner or person in possession of any pit bull dog which is stolen, or which escapes from or strays from its enclosure, shall immediately upon such occurrence notify the Bourbon County Animal Control Officer or authorized agent.
(E) The owner or person in possession of any pit bull dog shall not be changed without immediate notification to the Bourbon County Animal Control Officer or authorized agent.
(F) The Bourbon County Animal Control Officer or authorized agent shall charge a fee for the annual registration and permitting of pit bull dogs, as set out in § 51.106.
(G) Law enforcement agencies and officers and kennels shall be exempt from the registration and licensing requirements of this section.
(H) Owners of pit bull dogs shall have ninety (90) days from the effective date of this section to comply with this section.
(I) The license fee requirements of this section will be administered by the Bourbon County Animal Control Officer, and all fees generated thereby shall inure to the Office of the Bourbon County Animal Control Officer to defray the expenses of administering this section.
(J) At the end of each calendar month during which city pit bull dog licenses are issued, the Bourbon County Animal Control Officer will notify the city Police Department of all licenses so issued, the location of the premises upon which the animal is kept, and that the facilities meet the requirements of the ordinance for keeping a pit bull dog.
(K) The owner, or in the event the owner is a minor, the owner's parent or guardian, of a pit bull dog shall obtain and keep in force homeowner's or renter's liability insurance, in an amount of not less than one hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars, protecting against injury or death caused by a dog.
(Ord. 2008-2, passed 5-13-08)
(A) Additional definitions for this section:
(1) "CONFINEMENT TERM" means the period during which a person is incarcerated in prison.
(2) "FELONY" shall have the meaning of "VIOLENT FELONY" as found in KRS 532.200(3), and for "Trafficking in Controlled Substance Felony" as found in KRS Chapter 218A.
(B) Applicability. A person is subject to the requirements and penalties of this section if any of the following apply:
(1) He or she has been convicted of a felony in this state and was serving a confinement term for that conviction within the preceding ten (10) years; or he or she has been convicted of a crime elsewhere that would be a felony if committed in this state and was serving a confinement term for that conviction within the preceding ten (10) years.
(2) He or she has been convicted of a felony in this state within the preceding ten (10) years.
(3) Within the preceding ten (10) years, he or she has been convicted of a crime elsewhere that would be a felony if committed in this state.
(4) He or she is on extended supervision as part of a sentence following a conviction for the felony or is on parole or probation following the conviction for the felony.
(5) He or she is on a supervised status following a conviction for a crime elsewhere that would be a felony if committed in this state.
(6) He or she has been adjudicated delinquent within the preceding ten (10) years for an act that if committed by an adult in this state would be a felony.
(7) He or she has been found not guilty, by reason of insanity or mental disease, defect, or illness within the preceding ten (10) years of a serious felony, or a crime elsewhere that would be a felony if committed in this state.
(8) Any person who has twice been convicted of a violation of this chapter.
(C) Prohibitions. A person specified in subsection (B) above may not possess, control, or reside with any pit bull dog, nor with any dog with a weight greater than twenty-five (25) pounds.
(Ord. 2008-2, passed 5-13-08)
When there is probable cause to believe that any pit bull dog is kept in violation of these Code of Ordinances, the dog may be lawfully seized by the Bourbon County Animal Control Officer or other appropriate law enforcement. The dog shall be then housed with the Paris Animal Welfare Society, or at a location of its designation. The owner of the dog shall be charged the amount of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each day that the dog is in the custody or direction of the Paris Animal Welfare Society. No dog shall be permitted to be returned to the owner until such time as the owner demonstrates compliance with these sections of the Paris Code of Ordinances.
(Ord. 2009-9, passed 7-28-09)