   50.001   Definitions
   50.002   Duty of maintenance of private property
   50.003   Exterior storage of non-operating or non-licensed vehicles prohibited
   50.004   Certain conditions declared a nuisance
   50.005   Abatement of nuisance
   50.006   Abatement by the city
   50.007   Collection of abatement costs; lien
   50.008   Sale of property to satisfy lien
   50.009   City attorney to institute proceedings
   50.100   Reserved
   50.101   Nuisance declared; permissible sound levels
   50.102   Specific prohibitions
   50.103   Motor vehicles
   50.104   Reserved
   50.105   Special permits
   50.106   Definitions
   50.107   Right of entry of law enforcement officer to investigate noise disturbance
   50.108   Order of abatement of noise disturbance
   50.109   Citation for violations
   50.200   Property to be kept clear of weeds
   50.201   Notice to clean property
   50.202   Failure to comply with notice
   50.300   Definitions
   50.301   Prohibition
   50.302   Abatement procedure for chronic nuisance properties
   50.303   Enforcement
   50.304   Summary closure
   50.305   Utility service prohibition
   50.306   Relief from order
   50.307   Lien
   50.999   Penalty
Cross reference:
   Garbage and trash, see Ch. 31
   Offenses, see Ch. 52
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context indicates or clearly requires a different meaning.
   “NUISANCE.” The maintaining, using, placing, depositing, leaving, or permitting to be or remain on any public or private property of any of the following items, conditions, or actions shall constitute a nuisance. However, this enumeration shall not be deemed or construed to be conclusive, limiting, or restrictive to:
   (A)   Noxious weeds and other rank vegetation;
   (B)   The accumulation of rubbish, trash, refuse, junk, and other abandoned materials, metals, lumber, or other things;
   (C)   Any condition that provides harborage for rats, mice, snakes, and other vermin;
   (D)   Any building or other structure in such a dilapidated condition that it is unfit for human habitation, or kept in such an unsanitary condition that it is a menace to the health of people residing in the vicinity thereof, or presents a more than ordinarily dangerous fire hazard in the vicinity where it is located;
   (E)   All unnecessary or unauthorized noises and annoying vibrations, including animal noises;
   (F)   All disagreeable or obnoxious odors and stenches, as well as the conditions, substances or other causes that give rise to the emission or generation of the odors and stenches;
   (G)   The carcasses of animals or fowl not disposed of within a reasonable time after death;
   (H)   The pollution of any public well or cistern, stream, lake, canal, or body of water by sewage, dead animals, creamery, industrial wastes, or other substances;
   (I)   Any building, structure, or other place or location where any activity in violation of local, state, or federal law is conducted, performed, or maintained;
   (J)   Any accumulation of stagnant water permitted or maintained on any lot or piece of ground;
   (K)   Dense smoke, noxious fumes, gas, soot, or cinders in unreasonable quantities;
   (L)   Permitting grass, other than ornamental or decorative grasses, to be at a height of more than ten (10) inches;
   (M)   Permitting any non-operating, wrecked, junked, or discarded vehicle to remain on property within the city for longer than ten (10) business days; provided, however, that this section shall not apply with regard to a vehicle in an enclosed building, a vehicle on the premises of a business enterprise operated in a lawful place and manner when necessary to the operation of the business enterprise;
   (N)   All swimming pools within the city must remain within working condition (i.e., filtered). Draining of pools shall not interfere with persons living within the neighborhood or cause alarm to neighbors;
   (O)   Maintaining an outdoor light fixture that is located in any residential zoned parcel of the city zoning map and is aimed, directed, or focused in such as way as to constitute a trespass of the light through the windows of a dwelling of another.
(1976 Code, § 11-4; Am. Ord. 16-84, § I(a), passed 5-29-84; Am. Ord. 2021-20, passed 10-12-21)
Cross reference:
   Definitions, general, see § 10.002
   Definitions, garbage and trash, see § 31.001
   Rules of construction, see § 10.003