Citizen participation shall be listed on each regularly scheduled City Council meeting agenda and persons shall be allowed to address the City Council as set forth in this section.
   (A)   It shall be the policy of the City Council that any person may address the City Council at its regular meeting under the citizen participation agenda item. Citizen participation shall be limited to 5 minutes per speaker on issues or matters relating to the city. The 5-minute time limit shall apply unless the City Council, by a majority vote, sets a lower or higher time limit for comment on particular subject which shall apply to all speakers during that citizen participation section. After a reasonable period of time has been devoted to citizen participation and all of those desiring to provide public discussion have not had a chance to do so, the citizen participation section may be closed upon a motion and second of the City Council and a majority vote in favor thereof. Any person who was not able to address the City Council will be encouraged to attend a subsequent meeting to address the City Council or to provide written comments.
   (B)   If numerous persons wish to speak on a single topic, the Council may recognize a specified number of individuals who wish to speak in favor of, against or wish to make general comments regarding the issue. The Council shall not be required to allow every person who wishes to address the issue to do so, but as many views as possible are encouraged to be heard. Any person who is not able to speak during a citizen participation period shall be allowed and encouraged to present their views to the city in writing.
   (C)   All comments must be civil in nature. Any person who engages in threatening, slanderous or disorderly behavior when addressing the City Council shall be deemed out-of-order by the Mayor and his or her time to address the Council at the meeting shall end.
(Ord. 2012-26, passed 12-10-2012)