Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
1965-14 | 8-9-1965 | Grants television and FM radio franchise to Adlai C. Ferguson, Jr. for 20 years, renewable for 10 years |
1967-11 | 6-12-1967 | Grants telephone franchise to General Telephone Company of Illinois for 50 years, extendable |
1972-5 | 6-26-1972 | Grants electric franchise to Edgar Electric Cooperative Association for 35 years |
1982-18 | 6-16-1982 | Extends cable television franchise of Cardinal Telecable Corporation for 30 days |
1982-20 | 7-12-1982 | Cable Television Franchise Ordinance |
1992-32 | 9-28-1992 | Cable Communications Enabling Ordinance |
1997-21 | 6-9-1997 | Amendment to Ord. 1992-32, Cable Communications Enabling Ordinance |
2010-15 | 8-23-2010 | Renewing franchise to operate a gas utility system with AmerenCIPS |
2010-16 | 8-23-2010 | Renewing franchise to operate an electric utility system with AmerenCIPS |
2017-9 | 8-14-2017 | Granting franchise to operate an electric utility system to Enerstar Power Corp. for 50 years |