Public Order and Peace
133.01 Disturbing lawful assembly
133.02 Unlawful assembly
133.03 False fire alarm
133.04 Noise restrictions
133.05 Steam whistles
Weapons; Dangerous Objects
133.20 Concealed weapons
133.21 Carrying firearms
133.22 Firearms discharge
133.23 Throwing missiles; dangerous objects on streets
Public Hazards
133.35 Scaffolds and ladders
133.36 Objects on window ledges
133.37 Obstruction of passageways
133.38 Lodgings; smoking in bed
Health Hazards
133.50 Expectorating
133.51 Cemeteries; burials in city
Public Nuisances
133.60 Public nuisance
133.61 Public nuisance prohibited
133.99 Penalty
Statutory reference:
Authority to prevent or suppress noises, see ILCS Chapter 65, Act 5, § 11-5-3
Authority to prevent riots and disturbances, see ILCS Chapter 65, Act 5, § 11-5-2