(A)   Applications for permits required by § 114.020 of this code shall be on forms provided by the city.  These forms shall require the following information of an applicant:  name, signature, address, social security number, employer’s name, name of magazines, journals, or books to be sold or subscribed to, proposed method of operation in the city, and names of the 3 most recent municipalities where the applicant has solicited house to house.
   (B)   No permit shall be issued until 3 days after application is made to the Clerk.  No such permit shall be issued if the Police Department’s investigation shows that an applicant has, within the last 4 years, been convicted of violating any law or ordinance related to the use of sales or subscription methods involving fraud, misrepresentation, and false or misleading statements.
(1969 Code, § 15-151)  (Ord. 1976-27, passed 10-12-1976)  Penalty, see § 114.999