(A)   Licenses required by this chapter shall be divided into 16 classes, and each person seeking to obtain or renew a license pursuant to this chapter shall pay the fee required for the appropriate class of license.
   (B)   The classes of licenses and fees are as follows.
      (1)   Class A shall entitle the licensee to sell alcoholic liquors in “original packages” and not for resale of those liquors nor for consumption on the premises; the fee for this license shall be $1,000 per year.
      (2)   Class B shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquors for consumption, as well as the retail sale of liquors not for consumption on the premises specified; provided, however, that this license shall not be available to any club or similar organization; the fee for this license shall be $1,500 per year.
      (3)   Class C shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquors for consumption on the premises specified for any restaurant as defined in this chapter; the fee for this license shall be $1,500 per year.
      (4)   Class D shall authorize the retail sale of beer and wine only for consumption on the premises specified for any restaurant as defined in this chapter; the fee for this license shall be $500 per year.
      (5)   Class E shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquors for consumption, as well as the retail sale of liquors not for consumption on the premises specified, for any club as defined in this chapter; the fee for this license shall be $1,500 per year.
      (6)   Class F shall authorize the retail sale of beer and wine only for consumption, as well as the retail sale of beer and wine not for consumption on the premises specified, for any bar as defined in this chapter; the fee shall be $500 per year.
      (7)   Class G shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquors for consumption on the premises specified, for special occasions only; the fee for this license shall be $100 per year, plus a fee of $50 per special occasion. Each separate special occasion must be specifically authorized by the liquor control commissioner after authorization is applied for by the license holder. Each special occasion application shall be filed at least 48 hours before the event is to be held, and each special occasion license shall specify the hours during which the license shall be valid. In no event shall any special occasion license be valid for more than 1 event in any one 24-hour period, nor shall any such license be issued for more than 12 hours’ duration.
      (8)   Class H shall authorize the retail sales or dispensing of alcoholic beverages, by the drink or pitcher only, for consumption on property owned by the state, provided that the sale is authorized by state law and provided further that the licensee is a not-for- profit organization under the laws of this state. The events where sales shall occur may be open to the public in general but must be limited to an identifiable membership or group invited to the event or events. The organization’s activities must be subject to regulations imposed by the state agency in control of the property upon which the events will be held, those regulations limiting the dispensing of alcoholic beverages at the scheduled events. The organization must comply with the laws of the state and of the city with respect to closing hours and the sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages to minors. This dispensing of alcoholic beverages must be for not more than 45 days per year and be limited to not more than 3 days per week and not more than 7 hours in any given day. The annual fee for this license shall be $5.
      (9)   Reserved.
      (10)   Class J shall authorize for the retail sale of alcoholic liquors for consumption on the premises for a religious/fraternal organization as defined in this chapter; the fee for this license shall be $500 per year.
      (11)   Class K, micro-brewery license, shall permit an establishment primarily engaged in the production and wholesale distribution of beer, ale, and other malt beverages to sell at retail any beer, ale, other malt beverages, and wine by the drink or by the package for consumption on the premises, or in original package form for consumption off the premises where sold, subject to the following requirements.
      (12)   Class L shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises of a rental hall business as defined in this chapter; the fee for this license shall be $1,000 per year.
      (13)   Class M shall authorize the retail sale of beer and wine only in the original package they are in and for consumption on the premises where sold. Such license shall be issued to hotels only. The annual fee for such license shall be $600.
      (14)   (a)   Class N shall authorize a winery/microbrewery/craft distiller to:
            1.    Ferment/distill/produce wine, spirits or beer on the specified licensed premises (in-house product);
            2.   Furnish samples of those in-house products for consumption on the premises;
            3.   Sell the in- house products by the glass for consumption on the premises;
            4.   Sell the in- house products in the original corked, capped or sealed and labeled container for consumption on or off the premises.
         (b)   The annual fee for such license shall be $1,000.
      (15)   Class O shall authorize the retail sale of beer and wine for consumption on the premises for a roller skating rink; the annual fee for such license shall be $500.
      (16)   Class P shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquors and beer for consumption from a mobile bar; the annual fee for such license shall be $750.
      (17)   Class Q shall authorize the tasting of wine, beer and alcoholic liquors on the premises, as well as the retail sale of wine, beer and liquor not for consumption on the premises; the annual fee for such license shall be $1,500.
(1969 Code, § 3-33) (Ord. 1975-13, passed 6-23-1975; Am. Ord. 1982-19, passed 7-12-1982; Am. Ord. 1985-2, passed 1-28-1985; Am. Ord. 1995-33, passed 12-21-1995; Am. Ord. 1996-22, passed 6-24-1996; Am. Ord. 2002-10, passed 5-20-2002; Am. Ord. 2003-31, passed 11-10-2003; Am. Ord. 2015-1, passed 1-12- 2015; Am. Ord. 2015-24, passed 12-14-2015; Am. Ord. 2017-20, passed 12-11-2017; Am. Ord. 2018-14, passed 8-13-2018; Am. Ord. 2020-10, passed 8-24-2020; Am. Ord. 2021-16, passed 9-13-2021; Am. Ord. 2022-12, passed 8-22-2022; Am. Ord. 2023-15, passed 7- 24-2023; Am. Ord. 2023-17, passed 8-14-2023) Penalty, see § 111.99
Statutory reference:
   Original packages; definition, see ILCS Chapter 235, Act 5, § 1-3.06