(a) As per Section 725.06 all Vehicles must provide Vehicle Safety Reports to the Taxicab Licensing Official prior to being issued a Taxicab Vehicle license.
(b) The vehicle inspection facility can either use a City of Oxford Vehicle Safety Report or submit a similar report with approval of the City's Taxicab Licensing Official.
(c) These reports must meet the following standards and requirements:
(1) All Vehicle Safety Reports will be performed by an ASE Certified Mechanic or a repair facility which has been approved by the Taxicab Licensing Official or an Ohio State Patrol station.
(2) The Vehicle Safety Report must state that the vehicle meets or exceeds all normal and customary safety requirements as per ORC 4513.02 or conditions set forth in Section 725.11.
(d) If any portion of the inspection is unsatisfactory, the Vehicle owner or operator shall cause the condition to be corrected before the issuance of the license is granted.
(e) Vehicle Safety Reports shall be submitted to the Taxicab Licensing Official twice a year. Prior to January 20th and July 21st.
(f) A new Vehicle Safety Report shall be submitted to the Taxicab Licensing Official when the Vehicle has been involved in a repairable accident or should the Taxicab Licensing Official feel the Vehicle warrants an additional inspection.
(Ord. 3360. Passed 8-2-16.)