Ord. No.
Date Passed
Ord. No.
Date Passed
(A)    Rezoning property on the north by the land of E.S. Rose and the south end of Beck Street; On the east by the land of Miss Rose Hill and on the south and west by the land of Foster Baker, said area being now part of the land owned by Foster Baker from Planned Development District to High Density Residential.
(B)    Rezoning property beginning at the southeast corner of South Main Street and Forsee Alley from Low Density Residential to Commercial.
(A)    Rezoning property beginning at the southeast corner of the Albert Thomas lot, on the southwest side of South Main Street, known as 206 S. Main Street (now A.D. Lusby), from Low Density Residential (R-1) to General Business (Commercial C-2).
(B)    Rezoning that part of the property of Owen County Fair, Inc., located on the northeast side of North Main Street, consisting of the Exhibits Building, together with an area adjacent to same sufficient for the parking of employees working at a pilot plant for employee training, together with ingress and egress to and from North Main Street, being the same area now under lease to city from Planned Development District (F) to Light Industry (I).
(C)   Rezoning:
   (1)    That group of lots which are collectively bounded on the northeast by North Main Street, on the south by Blenton Street, and on the west by North Thomas Street, from Low Density Residential (E-1) or Planned Development District (P) to General Business (C-2).
   (2)   That group of lots which are collectively bounded on the north by north Main Street, on the west by Gayle Avenue on the east by Locust Alley, and on the south by the south Line of Lot No. 21 in Block C of Parkway Addition to the city from Low Density Residential (E-1) or Planned Development District (P) to General Business (C-2).
   (3)    That group of lots on the northeast side of North Main Street owned by Mrs. Julia S. McBee, Are Lou and James W. White, Mable Plunkett heirs, Mrs. Grace Holbrook Hendrix, Max and Celia Rodin, Wm. H. and Kathleen Smith, Bertha Wolf heirs and Owen County Fair, Inc. from Low Density Residential (E-1) Or Planned Development District (P) to General Business (C-2).
(A)    Zoning property on the north by the farm of C.L. Forsee, Sr.; on the east by John R. Clifton, Arvil J. and Pauline Shelton, Dorman Baldwin and Durwood Mefford; on the south by the Howard Ellis Jr. Highway; and on the west by U.S. Highway No. 227 as Light Industrial.
(B)    Zoning property on the north by the Howard Ellis Jr. Highway; on the east by John R. Clifton, Arvil J. and Pauline Shelton, Dorman Baldwin and Durwood Mefford; on the south by the I.O.O.F. Cemetery; and on the west by U.S. Highway No. 227 as Low Density Residential.
Reclassifying the west two acres of the W. E. Walker property on East Adair Street from Low Density Residential (R-1) and Planned Development (P) to High Density Residential (R-2).
Reclassifying lots 105, 104 and the south half of lot 103 from Low Density Residential (R-1) to Central Business (C-1).
Reclassifying lots 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 in the Marston Subdivision from Low Density Residential (R-1) to Highway Density Residential (R-2).
(A)    The property of Broadus Shryock, Bernard Poe, I.O.O.F. Lodge, Lillian Walker, Mefford’s Hardware, Inc., Jerry Stewart (now Sword), Jerry Stewart (residence), Bobby Rose and Peoples Bank Trust Co. is to be classified as Commercial.
(B)    The property of Owen County Industrial Development Corporation is to be classified as Industrial.
Reclassifying certain property lying between South Main Street and East Adair Street from Planned Development (P) to High Density Residential (R-2).
(A)    The Zoning Map designation of four lots on the north end of Roland Avenue adjoining the property of the Epitome Health and Hospital Corporation is hereby changed from R-1 (Residential) to C-2 (Commercial). The mailing addressed of said lots are designated as #326, #327, #329 and #333, Roland Avenue.
(B)    The Zoning Map designation of a small parcel of real property on U.S. Highway 127 north adjoining the I.O.O.F. Cemetery is hereby changed from C-2 (Commercial) to R-1 (Residential). Said property is described as 0.6 acre, more or less, lying on the east side of U.S. Highway 127 North and bounded on the north by the I.O.O.F Cemetery, on the south by Clements and on the west by said highway.
The following property lying on and adjoining South Main Street is reclassified from Low Density Residential (R-1) and Planned Development (P) to High Density Residential (R-2). The boundary so re-classified is described as: A parcel of real estate situated on the west side of South Main Street in the city, being further bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pin found, at the west edge of four-foot wide sidewalk on South Main Street, in the city, corner to Willie Poe, or record in Deed Book 177, page 504; thence with Poe line, S62-41-52W1 10.031 feet to an iron pin found, S41-20-22W5 3.42 feet to an iron pin found in an existing fence, S29-40-09E25 .871 feet to an iron pin found by a fence post, S36-02-43W73.12 feet to an iron pin found, corner to John Craigmyle, of record in Deed Book 190, page 365: Thence with Craigmyle line, S22-57-58W 105.137 feet to an iron pin found, corner to Glen Dulce, of record in Deed Book 193, page 680; thence with Dulce line, S22-57-58W 04.00 feet to an iron pin found, thence with a new line through the land of Fred Duke, et al., S22-57-58W 98.00 feet to an iron pin found, S56-05-13W 399.597 feet to an iron pin found, corner of Aundis Davis, or record in Deed Book 165, page 141; thence with same N15-36-07E 82.541 feet to a 20-inch Shaggy Bark Hickory found, a witness corner iron pin bears, S01-19-11E 48.394 feet to a 24-inch deed Cherry found, a witness corner iron pin bears.
Rezoning 22-127 Intersection to C-2.
Reclassifying certain property lying at the intersection of North Main Street and West Bryan Street from Low Density Residential (R-1) to Commercial (C-1). The boundary so re-classified is described as: A parcel of real estate situated on the west side of South Main Street in the city, being further bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pin found, at the west edge of four foot wide sidewalk on South Main Street, in the City of Owenton, corner to Willie Poe, or record in Deed Book 177, page 504; thence with Poe line, S62-41-52W110.031 feet to an iron pin found, S41-20-22W53.42 feet to an iron pin found in an existing fence, S29-40-09E25 .871 feet to an iron pin found by a fence post, S36-02-43W7 3.12 feet to an iron pin found, corner to John Craigmyle, of record in Deed Book 190, page 365: Thence with Craigmyle line, S22-57-58W 105.137 feet to an iron pin found, corner to Glen Duke, of record in Deed Book 193, page 680; thence with Due line, S22-57-58W 04.00 feet to an iron pin found, thence with a new line through the land of Fred Duke, et al., S22-57-58W 98.00 feet to an iron pin found, S56-05-13W 399.597 feet to an iron pin found, corner of Aundis Davis, or record in Deed Book 165, page 141; thence with same N15-36-07E 82.541 feet to a 20 inch Shaggy Bark Hickory found, a witness corner iron pin bears, SOI-19-1 IE 48.394 feet to a 24 inch deed Cherry found, a witness corner iron pin bears.
Reclassifying from R-1 (Residential) to C-1 (Commercial) designation of the property as described below: The property which is rezoned is all that property designated as from 220 to 230 (inclusive) West Seminary Street, and which lies west of Cherry Alley, south of Blanton Street and north of West Seminary Street in the city. The property is further described as parcels 2-2-8, 2-2-9 and 2-2-10 on the PVA Map of Owenton.
Reclassifying from R-1 (Residential) to R-2 (High Density Residential) designation of the property as described below: A parcel of property beginning at the northeast corner of Lot No. 49; thence west 137 feet to the fence; thence south 156 feet 6 inches to an alley; thence south 137 feet to an alley; thence north to the beginning.
Reclassifying certain property located at 311 South Main Street and being 2.24 acres from Low Density Residential (R-1) to Commercial (C-1). The boundary so reclassified is described as: Being 2.224 acres and being bounded on the northeast by the Donald and Carolene Wright property and the Darrell and Janetta Keith property; bounded on the southeast and continuing to the southwest by the R.C. Ford, Jr. Trust property; bounded on the northwest by the Hubert Hammond property, and the Joan D. Glass property and the James R. Ford property; then continuing 260.59 feet along South Main Street.