Funeral Processions
   74.01   Funeral processions
   74.15   Definitions
   74.16   Permit required
   74.17   Application for permit
   74.18   Standards for issuance of permit
   74.19   Notice of rejection of permit
   74.20   Appeal procedure when permit denied
   74.21   Alternative permit
   74.22   Notice to city and other officials when permit issued
   74.23   Contents of permit
   74.24   Duties of permittee
   74.25   Public conduct during parades
   74.26   Revocation of permit
   (A)   A vehicle in a funeral procession has the right-of-way at an intersection and may proceed through the intersection if the procession is led by an escort vehicle displaying flashing yellow, red or blue lights, except:
      (1)   When the right-of-way is required by an emergency vehicle as defined by KRS 189.910;
      (2)   When vehicles in the procession are directed otherwise by a police or safety officer; or
      (3)   When the vehicle is a train or locomotive.
   (B)   Before assuming the right-of-way, a person who drives a vehicle in a funeral procession shall exercise due caution with regard to crossing traffic.
   (C)   A person who drives a vehicle that is not part of a funeral procession shall not drive the vehicle between the vehicles of the funeral procession or otherwise interfere with the progress of the procession, except when:
      (1)   The person is authorized to do so by a police or safety officer; or
      (2)   The vehicle is an emergency vehicle as defined by KRS 189.910.
   (D)   A person who drives a vehicle that is not part of a funeral procession shall not illuminate the vehicle headlights or engage in any other act for the purpose of securing the right-of-way granted to funeral processions.
   (E)   The escort vehicle, hearse or other vehicles in a procession may be equipped with flashing amber lights for the purpose of notifying the general public of the procession and gaining the right-of-way at intersections or signaling the end of a procession.
   (F)   Persons authorized to use flashing lights as defined in KRS 189.920 may use them while accompanying a funeral procession to warn traffic that a procession is approaching or that it is in progress.
   (G)   When a funeral procession is in progress, a person driving a vehicle not in the procession shall not pass or overtake any vehicle in the procession unless:
      (1)   The person is directed to do so by a police or safety officer;
      (2)   The procession is on a street, road or highway outside the corporate limits of a city, town or urban-county; or
      (3)   The procession is on an interstate highway or a state parkway.
(KRS 189.378) (Prior Code, § 71.35) Penalty, see § 70.99