   Except on streets which may be declared from time to time as “play streets” by the city and protected by barriers or official signs, it shall be unlawful for any person on skates, on a skateboard or riding on a coaster sled or toy vehicle of any kind to go on any roadway except at a crosswalk.
(Prior Code, § 73.03) Penalty, see § 73.99
   (A)   No person while riding on a bicycle, coaster sled, roller skates or any toy vehicle shall cling to any moving vehicle on any street or fasten or attach the vehicle on which he or she is riding thereto.
   (B)   No person shall ride on the projection, running board or fenders of any vehicle.
(Prior Code, § 73.04) Penalty, see § 73.99
   (A)   The golf carts authorized and regulated by this section are those as defined in KRS 189.286(1)(a).
   (B)   The public roadways under the jurisdiction of the city upon which a golf cart may be operated are as follows: All city maintained streets.
   (C)   (1)   Any golf cart operated on a designated public roadway pursuant to this section shall:
         (a)   Be issued a permit for the golf cart by the city;
         (b)   Display a sticker or permit that identifies that the golf cart is allowed to be operated on the specified roadways within the city; and
         (c)   Be inspected annually by an officer of the Police Department and pay a fee of $15 per year for a permit.
      (2)   No golf cart shall travel on any state-maintained highway. Golf carts shall have the right to cross state highways when traveling on city streets.
   (D)   A person may operate a golf cart on the specified public roadways within the city if:
      (1)   The posted speed limit of the designated public roadway is 35 mph or less;
      (2)   The operator of the golf cart does not cross the roadway at an intersection where the roadway being crossed has a posted speed limit of more than 35 mph;
      (3)   The operator has a valid operator’s license in his or her possession;
      (4)   The golf cart is being operated between sunrise and sunset; and
      (5)   The golf cart displays a slow-moving vehicle emblem in compliance with KRS 189.820.
   (E)   A golf cart operating on a specified public roadway under this section shall be insured in compliance with KRS 304.39-080 by the owner or operator, and the proof of insurance shall be inside the golf cart at all times of operation on a public roadway.
   (F)   All other terms and provisions of KRS 189.286, other state statutes and ordinances of the city shall be followed by the owner and operator of the golf cart and shall be subject to penalties, fines and citations as are otherwise applicable in this code of ordinances and pursuant to state statutes.
(Ord. 736, passed 1- -2014) Penalty, see § 73.99
§ 73.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 70.99 of this code of ordinances.
   (B)   Whoever violates any provision of § 73.01 through 73.04 of this code shall be deemed to have committed a violation and shall be fined not more than $50 for each offense.
(Prior Code, § 73.99)
   (C)   A violation of any provision or part of § 73.15 of this code shall be deemed a misdemeanor and fined no less than $25 and no more than $250.
(Ord. 736, passed 1- -2014)