   (A)   Words giving authority to three or more public officers or other persons shall be construed as giving the authority to a majority of the officers or other persons.
(KRS 446.050)
   (B)   When the law requires an act to be done which may by law as well be done by an agent as by the principal, the requirement shall be construed to include those acts when done by an authorized agent.
   (A)   When this code requires any writing to be signed by a party thereto, it shall not be deemed to be signed unless the signature is subscribed at the end or close of the writing.
   (B)   Every writing contemplated by this code shall be in the English language.
(KRS 446.060)
   It shall be considered that it is the intent of Council in enacting any ordinance, that if any part of the ordinance be held unconstitutional the remaining parts shall remain in force, unless the ordinance provides otherwise, or unless the remaining parts are so essentially and inseparably connected with and dependent upon the unconstitutional part that it is apparent that Council would not have enacted the remaining parts without the unconstitutional part; or unless the remaining parts, standing alone, are incomplete and incapable of being executed in accordance with the intent of Council.
(KRS 446.090)
§ 10.08 REVIVOR.
   (A)   A repealed ordinance without a delayed effective date is revived when the ordinance that repealed it is repealed by another ordinance enacted at the same meeting of Council.
   (B)   A repealed ordinance with a delayed effective date is revived by the enactment of a repealer of the ordinance that repealed it at the same or any subsequent meeting of Council as long as it takes effect prior to the effective date of the original repealer.
   (C)   An amended ordinance without a delayed effective date remains unchanged with respect to an amendment which is repealed at the same meeting of Council which enacted the amendment.
   (D)   An amended ordinance with a delayed effective date remains unchanged with respect to that amendment if the ordinance making the amendment is repealed at the same or at a subsequent meeting of Council, as long as the repealing ordinance takes effect prior to the effective date of the original amendment.
   (E)   No other action of Council repealing a repealer or an amendment shall have the effect of reviving the original language of the repealer or amendment, as the case may be.
(KRS 446.100)
   No new ordinance shall be construed to repeal a former ordinance as to any offense committed against a former ordinance, nor as to any act done or penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred or any right accrued or claim arising under the former ordinance, or in any way whatever to affect any offense or act so committed or done, or any penalty, forfeiture or punishment so incurred, or any right accrued or claim arising before the new ordinance takes effect, except that the proceedings thereafter had shall conform, so far as practicable, to the laws in force at the time of the proceedings. If any penalty, forfeiture or punishment is mitigated by any provision of the new ordinance, the provision may, by the consent of the party affected, be applied to any judgment pronounced after the new ordinance takes effect.
(KRS 446.110)