The Waterworks Commission shall furnish to the City Council on the first Monday in June and first Monday in December each year, a report showing financial condition of said plant and detailed statement of its receipts and expenditures; of additions and repairs that have been made thereto; and amount of funds on hand. The money received from any source shall be deposited in a good and solvent bank or bank and trust company in the state, as may be designated by the City Council, and disbursed as provided by the Waterworks Commission.
(Prior Code, § 36.26) (Ord. 132, passed 11-5-1934)
The Waterworks Commission will require bond or bonds from all persons, depository or depositories holding or into whose custody come any funds of said business or from said water plant, in sufficient amount to protect the same, the premium on said bond or bonds to be paid by the revenue of the city’s Waterworks Fund. Said Commission shall do any and all things necessary for a proper and safe and successful operation of said waterworks plant.
(Prior Code, § 36.27) (Ord. 132, passed 11-5-1934)
(A) The county’s Parks, Playgrounds and Recreation Commission shall be composed of a minimum of nine members and a maximum of 14. Two shall be appointed by the fiscal court, two shall be appointed by the city, two shall be appointed by the county’s School Board and one each shall be appointed by the Cities of Monterey and Gratz. The county’s Chamber of Commerce shall have one appointment for a one-year term. Also, the county’s Little League Baseball Board and the county’s Soccer Board shall have one appointment for a one-year term.
(B) The County Judge/Executive and the Mayor shall serve as Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Parks, Playgrounds and Recreation Commission on an ex-officio basis. These positions will also be on a yearly, rotating basis.
(C) (1) Appointments shall be made effective July 1 of each year, except the original terms shall be staggered.
(2) New appointments, re-appointments or appointments to fill vacancies shall be made so as to continue the staggered pattern.
(D) (1) Initial appointments shall be made as follows:
City of Gratz | 1 appointment | 1 to serve a 2-year term |
City of Monterey | 1 appointment | 1 to serve a 2-year term |
City of Owenton | 2 appointments | 1 to serve a 1-year term |
1 to serve a 3-year term | ||
Owen County Chamber | 1 appointment | 1 to serve a 1-year term |
Owen County Fiscal Court | 2 appointments | 1 to serve a 1-year term |
Owen County Little League | 1 appointment | 1 to serve a 1-year term |
Owen County School Board | 2 appointments | 1 to serve a 2-year term |
1 to serve a 3-year term | ||
Owen County Soccer League | 1 appointment | 1 to serve a 1-year term |
(2) The groups with two appointments shall designate which of the respective two appointees shall initially serve one- and three-year terms.
(3) The Parks, Playgrounds and Recreation Commission may appoint up to three at large members to reach the maximum of 14 members.
(Ord. 636, passed 4-2-2002)
(A) Each person appointed to the county’s Parks, Playgrounds and Recreation Commission shall be at least 21 years of age and shall be a bona fide resident of the city or county he or she represents for at least one year preceding the appointment.
(B) Vacancies on the Parks, Playgrounds, and Recreation Commission shall be filled for unexpired terms by appointment of the authority appointing the member whose office is vacant.
(C) When a vacancy occurs other than through expiration of the term of office, it shall be filled for the remained of that term.
(Ord. 636, passed 4-2-2002)
All members of the county’s Parks, Playgrounds and Recreation Commission shall serve without compensation, but reimbursement of the necessary expenses incurred by the members of the Parks, Playgrounds and Recreation Commission in the performance of their duties is authorized.
(Ord. 636, passed 4-2-2002)