It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a snowmobile under the circumstances set forth below.
(A) A snowmobile may be operated on city streets only for the purpose of going to and from the city limits on the most direct route from the point of origin to the city limits or returning therefrom.
(B) On private property of another without the express permission to do so by the owner or occupant of said property. Said permission must be in writing from the owner or occupant of the property.
(C) On public school grounds, park property, playgrounds, recreational areas and golf courses without express provision or permission to do so by the proper public authority. Said permission must be in writing from the proper public authority.
(D) In a manner so as to create loud, unnecessary or unusual noise so as to disturb or interfere with the peace and quiet of other persons. It is a presumptive public nuisance for the operator of a snowmobile to discharge into the open air the exhaust from the snowmobile’s engine, except through a properly working muffler or other device that is in constant operation and effectively prevents loud or explosive engine noises, blends exhaust noise into the overall vehicle noise to prevent excessive or unusual noise such as sharp popping or crackling sounds, or other sounds likely to annoy, disturb , injure or endanger the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety of a reasonable person of ordinary sensibilities in its vicinity.
(E) In a careless, reckless or negligent manner so as to endanger, or be likely to endanger, the safety of any person or the property of any other person.
(F) Without having such snowmobile registered as provided for in Minn. Stat. § 84.82, as it may be amended from time to time.
(G) No snowmobile shall be operated on any public street or highways within the downtown area designated as an area bounded on the south by Mill Street, by Oak Street on the west, by Rose Street on the north and Grove Street on the east.
(H) The absolute maximum speed limit for the operation of snowmobiles within the corporate limits of the city is 15 mph. All snowmobiles must come to a complete stop at each street intersection before proceeding into and through the intersection.
(I) All snowmobiles shall be operated in single file as close to the right-hand curb of all public roads and streets of the city as possible. On public roads and streets not having curbs, snowmobiles will be operated in single file as close to the right-hand edge of the traveled portion of roadways as possible.
(J) No snowmobile shall be operated within the corporate limits of the city between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the following morning. Snowmobiles may only be operated on the streets or highways within city limits between November 15 and March 31.
(K) No trailers shall be pulled by snowmobiles unless a solid type hitch is used connecting the trailer with the snowmobile, and any such trailer pulled shall likewise be equipped with a red tail light in working order on the rear most portion of said trailer. For purposes of this division (K), a
TRAILER shall be defined to include any sled, toboggan or other device used for carrying persons or property, which does not contain its own course of motivation.
(L) No person under 14 years of age shall operate a snowmobile upon a street or highway within the city. A person 14 years of age or older, but less than 18 years of age, may operate a snowmobile in the city only if he or she has in his or her immediate possession a valid snowmobile safety certificate issued by the Commissioner of Natural Resources.
(M) It is a misdemeanor to intentionally drive, chase, run over or kill any animal, wild or domestic, with a snowmobile within the city limits.
(N) It is unlawful for the owner of a snowmobile to permit the snowmobile to be operated contrary to the provisions of this subchapter or the laws of the state.
(O) It is unlawful for any person to operate a snowmobile in the city after having received a visual or audible signal from any law enforcement officer to come to a stop or to operate a snowmobile in a willful and wanton disregard for such signal or to interfere with or endanger the law enforcement officer or any other person or vehicle or to increase speed or attempt to flee or elude the officer.
(1992 Code, § 725:10) (Ord. 1405, passed 1-2-2007) Penalty, see § 71.999